Albion Today

What is Albion Today?

Albion Today is a daily electronic communication tool that allows students, faculty and staff to communicate information to other students, faculty and staff through a daily distribution of information using the Albion College email system. The concept behind Albion Today is to compile information and send just one email per day on announcement topics.

How do I submit items to Albion Today?

You may submit your information utilizing a Web form. To add an announcement, simply click the “Submit an Item” box located at the bottom of this section. Fill in all of the information boxes and hit the “Submit” box when complete.

Keep in mind, the name of the contact person along with their email address will accompany the event or announcement information. A message will not be sent without a contact name and email address.

Please be brief and concise in your submission of information. One email message will be sent daily and will include all messages for faculty, staff and students. Unfortunately, Albion Today cannot accept pictures, clip art or file attachments. Please be sure to double-check your submission to make sure your information is complete. In the case of events, who, what, where, and when are important pieces for each entry. Also, you should check spelling and grammar before you click “Submit.”

If you need further assistance with submitting an item, please contact Information Technology’s Help Desk team at 517-629-0479.

Submit An Item

What are the deadlines for submitting information?

Announcements will be sent daily around 10 a.m. In order for your announcement to be included in the email, you must submit your announcement item(s) by 8 a.m. the day the information is to be sent. Keep in mind that you can submit items several days in advance, so you don’t have to wait until the day before or day of to submit.

Albion Today now has the ability to send messages on Saturday and Sunday. However, in order for a message to be sent on Saturday or Sunday, you must submit your item prior to 8 a.m. on Friday (the Friday before the weekend you want your message sent). No one will be available to approve messages on Saturday or Sunday, which is why you must have your item submitted by Friday at 8 a.m.

Please know that Albion Today will be compiled and distributed only once daily. It is important that you plan ahead to ensure you meet the appropriate deadline. If you forget to add an announcement or make an error, you will have to wait until the following day to make the correction. Only one Albion Today email message will be sent per day.

*Utilizing electronic media, certain situations may occur outside the control of the Office of Marketing and Communication. If for any reason technology or other issues prevent the distribution from occurring around 10 a.m., the information will be sent as quickly as possible once the problem(s) have been rectified.

What if the information I submitted has a mistake?

You cannot correct mistakes in the announcement through the website. To make a correction, please email the Office of Marketing and Communication at [email protected]. The Albion Today editor will be able to delete the message(s) with the incorrect information. The person who submitted the information will then have to submit a new entry with the corrected copy/information.

Who can use Albion Today?

Albion Today is an internal communication vehicle and is not intended for use by members outside of the Albion College community. All items must be submitted by a current Albion College student, faculty or staff member.

Albion Today is not to be used for advertisements of external businesses or organizations. There are only two exceptions to this guideline. The first exception is when a department/program/student organization is sponsoring an event or activity that takes place at a business location. The second exception is when the event or activity is a co-sponsored initiative with an external organization. Even in those cases, the campus department/program/student organization must be featured prominently in the activity and listed as the event or activity sponsor. If you are not sure that an entry meets the above guidelines, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communication ([email protected]).

What are the guidelines for Albion Today?

Albion Today should be used to advertise upcoming events and forward announcements that the general population would find helpful. As with any other posting on campus, submitted items must be in good taste and conform to the expectations Albion College holds as an academic institution. No mention of alcohol may occur in postings advertising any event. Personal notices in general, and especially those listing “For Sale” as well as “Lost and Found” items, will not be approved.

Notices intended for a small population or to a particular group should also not be placed in Albion Today. Organizations should not use Albion Today to post weekly and/or routine meeting times. Please take the time to establish organizational distribution lists to communicate with other club and organizational members.

The Office of Marketing and Communication has the right to approve or deny submissions based upon acceptable use of Albion Today information distribution and expectations of Albion College.

Is Albion Today the same as the campus calendar?

Albion Today is intended to be a reminder of events and listings of up-to-date information. Albion Today does not replace the campus events calendar in any way. For a complete listing of events on a particular day, please view the campus events calendar.