Around the globe, Albion College Gerstacker Business Institute‘s nearly 1,200 Alumni are leading Fortune 500 companies, successfully running their own businesses, trading on Wall Street, and providing exemplary accounting and consulting services. In foreign countries and across the United States our alumni are still our most important resource.

Hire an Intern

Partner with us to develop tomorrow’s talented business leaders. For over 50 years, the Gerstacker Business Institute/Professional Management Program has prepared students for careers that address complex business issues. We strive to bridge their academic experience and the world of work through internships and jobs that require them to use strong analytical, creative problem solving and communication skills. Employers like you can help us evaluate the effectiveness of the preparation we provide. We invite you to support our program as an intern sponsor or first employer of our students. In return, The Gerstacker Business Institute will help you attract the best talent from our competitive program.

Please consider hiring a Gerstacker Business Institute student! Our students are interested in a vast array of careers, and seek experience in consulting, accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, sales, advertising, event planning, and market research among others. Gerstacker Business Institute majors are required to complete one full-time internships before graduation. Please contact us or send an email to [email protected].

Share Your Talents

As a Gerstacker Business Institute graduate, you are a valuable resource for our students. There are many ways to help mentor Gerstacker Business Institute students, including speaking at on-campus events, hosting a student internship, and career counseling. We would appreciate knowing whether any of the following options for mentoring students and/or assisting the Institute are of interest to you. Please contact us or send an email to [email protected] and indicate how you would like to be involved:

  • Internships and employment: Hire an intern during the school year or summer, sponsor a group visit at your place of business, hire new graduates.
  • Speaker program: Be a Distinguished Speaker and provide a presentation for our students, and occasional lunch and learn discussions.
  • Prospective Student Recruiting: Attend local recruiting events, discuss the Gerstacker program with prospective students and parents, and promote the program on a local level.
  • Student mentoring: Work directly with students to build professional skills through workshops, case studies or advice on projects.
  • Career and Internship Center: Provide career counseling, senior student mentoring, resume and cover letter review and mock interview sessions.
  • Course perspective: Offer real-world perspective in marketing, financial analysis, technology, CPA preparation, written business communication, presentation skills.
  • Student clubs and organizations: Participate in Albion College chapters of Delta Sigma Pi, The Accounting Society, The Investment Club, American Marketing Association, etc.
  • Advisory Panel: Advise the Institute on market and employment trends, job search strategies, and employer expectations.
  • Living accommodations: Host a student intern in your home (for example: room, board, transportation) while completing an internship.

Keep in Touch

Do we have the most up-to-date information about you? If not, please contact us or send an email to [email protected] detailing your professional accomplishments, including promotions, job changes, or academic achievements.

Explore Alumni Resources