Letter of Support from Dean Leroy Wright to Albion Students

September 4, 2019

As the Albion College campus community settles into the fall 2019 semester, Leroy Wright, vice president for student development and dean of students, shares the following message of support with all students.

Dear Albion College Students:

If you are just starting your college experience, returning for your last semester, or somewhere in between, the faculty and staff at Albion can help you succeed academically, enhance your leadership skills, prepare for a rewarding career, learn how to manage your finances, learn how to sustain a healthy lifestyle, and much more. However, you will need to be fully engaged and accountable in creating your own success. We want to be a part of your support system, we want to help you develop the needed action steps, and we want to assist you in maintaining a positive attitude and outlook during your college experience.

We recognize that all of you come from a variety of places and situations and we consider it of prime importance that you are being inclusive, respectful, and actively involved in your education and community. We want to weave a network of support to help you assume greater responsibility for your daily decisions as you continue to mature and develop while attending Albion.

Working together with your family, mentors, and other important people in your life will help us educate and nurture you to be a good citizen, a dynamic student leader, and a marketable professional. It is important that you add my suggestions to your “toolbox” since it will assist you as you progress to graduation. You see, as VP/Dean of Students, I firmly believe that you can have fun while becoming the best you can be and making Albion and even the world a better place.

Listed below are a few of my general suggestions to get you off to a great start.

First-Year Students

  • Create an action plan to be an “A” student, by using Albion’s many academic support resources.
  • Become familiar with and participate in the many transition experiences available to you as a student.
  • Get connected with the campus and the local communities as this is “your home away from home.”
  • Demonstrate your Albion College pride by actively engaging in activities to get you out of your room, like attending athletic events, taking in a Union Board experience, or better yet attend your RA’s programs.

Second-Year Students

  • Balance your study time and social time.
  • Get more involved on campus by pursuing opportunities to help you develop your leadership skills.
  • Apply for scholarships, grants, jobs on campus, or other opportunities to aid in paying for college.
  • Research possible career paths and explore possible paid and unpaid internships.

Third-Year Students

  • Begin putting your résumé together and practicing your interview skills.
  • Stay on track with your degree requirements and gain solid student leadership experiences.
  • Serve in a leadership position in a campus organization.

Fourth-Year Students

  • Develop a polished résumé, a professional appearance, and attend career and internship or institute events.
  • Explore the idea of attending graduate school and taking graduate school entrance exams.
  • Look forward to graduation and making plans to transition from college to graduate school or professional life.

We welcome and encourage your involvement and collaboration throughout the year. Our College will continue to be great when you do great things! Go Brits!

Leroy Wright
Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students