Spiritual Gatherings and Worship Services

Cultural and Religious Celebrations Through the Office of Belonging and Student Groups

Albion’s Office of Belonging and several student groups host events to acknowledge and celebrate cultural, religious, and spiritual observances each semester.

Kellogg Center living room with fireplace and shield emblem above mantel piece, decorated with photographs in remembrance of transgender people who were killed in 2023 and a larger sign that says Wall of Remembrance

Kellogg Center living room set up for fall 2023 Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil

Smiling students gathered around a coffee table with candles for Diwali

Diwali 2022 celebration, led by Asian Cultural Engagement Group

Weekly Buddhist Meditation

Spiritual Life offers weekly evening meditation in collaboration with local certified Buddhist meditation teachers, as well as special enrichment events throughout the year.

Man in Buddhist monk robes sitting in a chair and gesturing as he discusses a Buddhist concept; small table with a red cup on the side

Buddhist monk Chiezan of Sokukoji Buddhist Temple Monastery leading a discussion and meditation

Wednesday Night Chapel and Worship Nights

The audience at a chapel service.Student-led Christian worship with Albion College Chapel takes place every Wednesday night of the academic year. While the music is primarily contemporary Christian, students keep many traditional aspects (e.g. Benediction, hymns, prayers) and weave together different musical genres (e.g. Gospel, praise songs from different countries). For students on the leadership team, Chapel is a great opportunity to develop ministry skills and discern calling. All members of the Albion College community are welcome to attend and participate. Albion College Chapel also facilitates other events, such as game nights and movie nights. View their Instagram at @albioncollegechapel.

Lessons and Carols

One of Albion College’s most beloved traditions, the Music Department sponsors “A Service of Lessons and Carols” during Advent. This is a wonderful celebration of sacred vocal music, scriptural readings, and art. For many, this is a deeply meaningful Christian worship experience. The public and all members of the Albion College community are welcome to attend this free event.

Jewish Holiday Gatherings and Shabbats

Albion College Hillel (@ac_Hillel on Instagram) organizes programs throughout the academic year to observe Jewish holidays and raise awareness of Jewish tradition, such as regular Shabbat services, Passover, High Holy Days, and Hanukkah celebrations. The Office of Belonging and Office of Campus Life provide support.

Hillel students playing dreidel after eating latkes at winter 2023 Hanukkah celebration

Regular Islamic Prayer Gatherings

The Albion College MSA (Muslim Students Association) supports community, provides education, and facilitates regular gatherings for community prayer.

Man holding a microphone while standing in front of a podium and large projector screen with "Iftar Dinner MSA Muslim Students Association" and graphic of minarets.

MSA president leading a presentation during a spring 2024 iftar gathering

InterVarsity Bible Studies and Gatherings

The Albion College chapter of InterVarsity holds regular Bible studies and other Christian events.

Climate Change Anxiety Support Gatherings and Nature-Based Celebrations

In collaboration with Whitehouse Nature Center and the Center for Sustainability and the Environment, the assistant director for spiritual wellness facilitates regular events to support students’ relationships with nature, including seasonal earth care events and discussion groups for those experiencing grief and anxiety about climate change. Through service work, celebration conversation, and spiritual practice, students increase their resilience, feel more empowered, and find helpful ways to make meaning of their experience as the climate changes.

People sitting around a table with Braiding Sweetgrass books

Student leader facilitating a Braiding Sweetgrass discussion in collaboration with Spiritual Life and CSE