The policies and procedures that are included in this manual have been developed by Albion College for its employees. This manual is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended to be and is not to be construed as a contract of employment. The College reserves the right to add to, subtract from, or modify the policies and procedures in this manual as it deems appropriate. Any change in College policy must be approved, in writing, by the President’s Administrative Council or by the President.

This Employee Services Manual Including Policies and Procedures is available online Notices of new, removed and modified policies will be distributed through the campus mail system.

Any recommendations for change in College policies or procedure must be submitted in writing to the Director of Human Resources.

* Full-time employeesNormally, 32 or more hours per week
* Part-time employeesNormally, fewer than 30 hours per week
Union employeesEmployees represented by either of the Collective Bargaining Agreements (Secretarial/Clerical or Trades)
Administrative employeesSalaried employees
FacultyInstructional employees
Regular employeesFull-time and part-time employees
StaffSalaried administrative employees, full-time hourly employees, and part-time hourly employees
* hours per week refer to administrative employees, Union employees are defined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Albion College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability as protected by law, in all educational programs and activities, admission of students and conditions of employment. Questions or concerns about this College policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.

Albion College’s title IX Coordinator is:

  • Kelly Finn

    Assistant Dean for Student Development

    Title IX Coordinator

    Office: Ferguson Hall 324
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 517/629-0195

Revised 8/25/20/EW