Saved Payment Method

Albion College’s e-Bill system allows students and authorized payers/users to make payments using Credit or Debit Cards, e-Check via bank account or a 529 savings plan. e-Check allows users to pay online without using a bank or credit card. Instead, users use their checking account to make payments online—eliminating the need for stamps and envelopes. e-Bill also allows students and authorized payers/users to save their payment profile, eliminating the need to enter account information at the time of each payment.

How to Enroll

  1. Go to the My.Albion home page to access your account.
  2. Log in using your Albion network credentials.
  3. Click on My Account.
  4. Click on Add payment method.
  5. Click on Credit or debit card, Bank account, or 529 Savings Plan. (Whichever method you would like to add.)
  6. Enter your Card information, Banking information, 529 state and account number. (Follow prompts for each payment method)
  7. Click on Save
  8. The saved payment methods will now show under “Payment methods”

Note: It may take up to five business days for your designated account to be verified and available for e-Check payment. Please note a processing fee may be assessed for each payment.