The Stockwell Society

The Stockwell Society

The Albion College Stockwell Society honors alumni, friends, faculty and staff who have included a gift to the College as part of their estate plan. Created in 1982, the Stockwell Society currently has more than 600 members and continues to grow each year. The Stockwell Society was named in honor of Madelon Stockwell Turner — daughter of the College’s first president, Charles F. Stockwell — as it was her bequest that enabled the construction of the Stockwell Memorial Library. Stockwell Society members help ensure Madelon’s legacy continues to inspire others to join them in giving back to Albion College.

Continuing recognition

In recognition of and gratitude for their generosity, the College welcomes new members by displaying their names on an installation in the Kellogg Center that commemorates Society members.


Membership in the Stockwell Society is offered to individuals who include a gift to Albion College in their will, create a charitable life-income gift to benefit the College (such as a charitable gift annuity), name Albion College as a beneficiary of one’s retirement account or life insurance policy or give real property with retained life estates. There are no minimums to be eligible to join the Stockwell Society and anonymous membership can be granted upon request.

Next steps

If you are considering planning a gift to Albion College, please contact our office at [email protected] or 517-629-1835 to discuss your ideas with a member of our staff. If you have already included Albion College in your estate plans, please let us know; we would like to thank you for your generosity.