Pregnancy and Parenting

Rights, resources, and support at Albion College related to pregnancy and parenting.

Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students

Albion College does not discriminate against any student, or exclude them from the College’s education program or activity, including any class or extracurricular activity, based on a student’s current, potential, or past pregnancy or related condition pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.  

Students wishing to request reasonable modifications for pregnancy or related conditions may contact the  Title IX Coordinator. The Albion College Title IX Coordinator will work with the student and campus partners to provide reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures if requested. These reasonable modifications:

  • Cannot fundamentally alter the education program or activity
  • Can each be accepted or denied by the student 
  • Cannot require documentation unless it is necessary and reasonable to provide the modification

Reasonable modifications can include, depending on the student’s individual circumstances, the following: breaks to express breastmilk or to attend health related needs; breaks to eat, drink, or use the restroom, intermittent absences, access to online education, changes in schedule or sequencing of classes. Other reasonable modifications as appropriate may also be available. 

Any pregnant or parenting student has the right to access lactation spaces on campus. Lactation spaces are locations that are clean, not a bathroom, is shielded from view, and is free from intrusion by others. Lactation spaces on campus are located in Robinson Hall 307, and the Dow Center Room 104. More information about lactation spaces can be provided by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.

Additionally, any pregnant or parenting student can request a voluntary leave of absence by contacting the Cutler Center for Student Success. The Title IX Coordinator may also work to support students who need to make such a request for a leave.

The College will not require a student who is pregnant or has related conditions to provide certification from a healthcare provider or any other person that the student is physically able to participate in the College’s education program or activity, including classes or extracurricular activities, unless:

  • The certified level of physical ability or health is necessary for participation
  • The College requires such certification of all students participating in the class, program, or extracurricular activity; and
  • The information obtained is not used as a basis for prohibited discrimination.

The College is required to provide access to resources for pregnant and parenting students. When an employee of the College is informed of a student’s pregnancy or related condition by the student or a person with the legal right to act on behalf of the student, the employee must notify the Title IX Coordinator utilizing the online Title IX reporting form. The Title IX Coordinator will then contact the student, providing information about the Title IX Coordinator’s ability to provide reasonable modifications, voluntary leaves of absence, lactation spaces, and responsibility to provide comparable treatment to other medical conditions. 

Supporting Pregnant Employees

Employees and prospective employees or applicants may request reasonable accommodations for known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. The College will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified employees for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, unless the requested accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the College. The College will review the requested accommodation and engage in an interactive process regarding the request. The College will not take retaliatory action against any individuals who request or receive an accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical reasons.

Requests for reasonable accommodation may be made to Human Resources at [email protected] or 517-629-0205.

Additionally, both exempt and nonexempt employees may take reasonable breaks to express breast milk for up to one year after the child’s birth. Employees wishing to access lactation spaces may do so by contacting Human Resources. Lactation spaces will be spaces that are clean, are not a bathroom, are shielded from view, and are free from intrusion. 

Qualified employees may also be entitled to leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, in certain circumstances. Employees wishing to learn about their rights under the FMLA may contact Human Resources.