Explore the Gerstacker Institute for Business and Management
Connect with the Director
Robyn Murphy
Gerstacker Inst.
Email Robyn
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Connect with the Director
Robyn Murphy
Gerstacker Inst.
Email Robyn
Schedule a Campus Visit Submit Your Deposit Connect with Gerstacker
Make an immediate impact in the world of business!
The Gerstacker Institute has been at the forefront of delivering innovative business education in a liberal arts context for the past 50 years. During this time, we’ve earned a reputation for producing graduates who hit the ground running as impactful and community-minded leaders.
As a Gerstacker student, you will benefit from intentional professional development, out-of-classroom experiences, and a prescribed curriculum to complement your concentration or major.
We are proud of the fact that 35 percent of Gerstacker students have job offers at the start of their senior year!
What Track Is Right for You?
The Gerstacker Institute’s innovative interdisciplinary curriculum combines the outstanding strengths of a liberal arts education with business knowledge and relevant work experience. After acceptance into the Institute, students are required to complete one of the concentrations listed below.
- A student completing a major within the Economics and Management department will complete Track 1.
- Students completing a major outside of the Economics and Management department will complete Track 2.
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their Gerstacker concentration courses and in their cumulative academic record.
Track 1
Track 2
Gerstacker Concentration for majors in the Economics & Management Department – 7.25 units
- BUS 111 Gerstacker Leadership Workshop (1/4, spring semester, first year)
- E&M 357 Business Functions (summer school)
- BUS 392 Internship (any time after completion of sophomore year)
- COMM 242 Professional Communication (summer school)
- BUS 387 Senior Capstone approved by the Institute Director (senior year)
One from Ethics list – (The course from the Ethics List is waived for Business Majors since it is already required for that major.)
- Philosophy 301, Environmental Ethics
- Philosophy 302, Leadership Ethics
- Philosophy 303, Business Ethics
Gerstacker concentration for all other majors – 7.25 units**
- BUS 111 Gerstacker Leadership Workshop (1/4, spring semester, first year)
- E&M 101 Principles of Microeconomics (fall semester, freshman year)
- E&M 211 Financial Accounting (sophomore year)
- E&M 357 Business Functions (summer school)
- BUS 392 Internship (any time after completion of sophomore year)
- COMM 242 Professional Communications (summer school)
- BUS 387 Senior Capstone approved by the Institute Director (senior year)
**Students in this concentration are urged to complete their Global Category requirement in MLAC 105 Intercultural Understanding, E&M 362 International Management, BUS 351/352 International Experiential Exchange or a foreign language at the 200-level or above.
Before coming into college, I was not exactly sure what I wanted to do and what I wanted to major in. The institute has provided me with so much insight and direction, through the classes and hands-on experience they offer. One of my favorite experiences from the past four years was our Cincinnati trip, where we had the opportunity to learn from multiple business professionals and visit Proctor and Gamble. I also had the opportunity to visit France for a week through a Gerstacker offered class, where we collaborated with French students to develop a B2B business idea. All this to say that you will be able to experience and learn so much from the Gerstacker Institute. There are so many people within Albion and the network outside of Albion who want to help you. I hope you will have as great of an experience with the Gerstacker Institute as I have!
Kiera Murphy '25