Thomas I. Wilch
Faculty Director for the Center for Sustainability and the Environment, Professor of Earth & Environment
Dr. Thom Wilch is a Quaternary geologist who specializes in glacial geology, physical volcanology, and paleoclimate history. Two current research projects focus on using volcanic records to reconstruct the history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. He is on the ANDRILL project research team and is a PI on research funded by the NSF. Paul Roberts ’07 and Meagan Bosket ’09 accompanied Thom as student researchers on recent research expeditions to Minna Bluff, Antarctica. In addition to his Antarctic research, Thom has an ongoing field-based fluvial geomorphology in in south-central Michigan.
Dr. Wilch teaches upper-level courses in Glaciers and Climate Change, Geomorphology, Volcanology, Regional Field Geology, and Field Camp.
- Ph.D. Geology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1997
- M.S. Quaternary Studies, University of Maine, 1991
- B.A. (highest Honors) Geology, Macalester College, 1987
- Geol 101 Introduction to Geology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 115 Oceans and Atmospheres
- Geol 106 Geological Hazards (lecture)
- Geol 208 Geomorphology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 210 Regional Field Geology
- Geol 212 Volcanology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 306 Glaciers and Climate Change (lecture and lab)
- Geol 314 Geological Field Methods
- HSP 131 Great Issues in Science: Global Climate Change (honors seminar)
- LA 101 Explorers, Global Warming, Natural Disasters (first-year seminars)
Selected Recent Publications
- Di Roberto, A., Pompilio, M. and Wilch, T.I., 2010, Late Miocene Submarine Volcanism in the Ross Embayment, Antarctica, Geosphere, v. 6; no. 5; p. 524-536; DOI: 10.1130/GES00537.1.
- McKay, R., Browne, G., Carter, Carter, L., Cowan, E., Dunbar, G., Krissek, L., Naish, T., Powell, R., Reed, J., Talarico, F. Wilch, T., and the ANDRILL MIS Science Team, 2009, The stratigraphic signature of Late Cenozoic oscillations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Ross Embayment, Antarctica, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, p. 1537-1561.
- Naish, T., Powell, R., Levy, R., Krissek, L., Niessen, F., Pompilio, M., Scherer, R., Talarico, F., Wilson, G., Wilson, T., McKay, R., Ross., J., Winter, D., Barrett, P., Browne, G., Carter, L., Cody, R., Cowan E., Crampton, J., DeConto, R., Dunbar, G., Dunbar, N., Florindo, F., Gebhardt, C., Graham, I., Hannah, M., Harwood, D., Hansaraj, D., Henrys, S., Helling, D., Kuhn, G., Kyle, P., Läufer, A., Maffioli, P., Magens, D., Mandernack, K., McIntosh, W., Millan, C., Morin, R., Ohneiser, C., Paulsen, T ., Persico, D., Pollard, D., Reed, J., Raine, I., Schmitt, D., Sagnotti, L., Sjunneskog, C., Strong, P., Taviani, M., Vogel, S., Wilch, T., Williams, T., 2009, Late Cenozoic Antarctic ice sheet oscillations, Nature. v. 458, p. 322-329.
- Wilch, T. I., and McIntosh, W. C., 2007, Miocene-Pliocene ice-volcano interactions at monogenetic volcanoes near Hobbs Coast, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World– Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K. Cooper and C. R. Raymond, National Academies Press.Wilch, T. I., and McIntosh, W. C., 2007, Miocene-Pliocene ice-volcano interactions at monogenetic volcanoes near Hobbs Coast, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World– Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K. Cooper and C. R. Raymond, USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Short Research Paper 074, 7 p. (
- Dunbar, G., Niessen, F., Vogel, S., Tulaczyk, S., Mandernack, K., Krissek, L., Carter, L., Cowan, E., Wilch, T., Peng, C., Strong, C.P., Scherer, R., Sjunneskog, C., Winter, D., McKay, R., Talarico, F., Pompilio, M., and the MIS Science Team, in press 2007, Late Pleistocene to Holocene strata from soft-sediment coring at the AND-1B Site, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica: Terra Antarctica, v. 14 (2) 14 p.
- Krissek, L.A., Browne, G.H., Carter, L., Cowan, E.A., Dunbar, G.B., McKay, R.M., Naish, T., Powell, R.D., Reed, J., Wilch, T.I., the ANDRILL-MIS Science Team., in press 2007, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the AND-1B core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Terra Antarctica, v. 14 (2) 38 p.
- Pompilio, M., Dunbar, N., Gebhardt, C., Helling, D., Kuhn, G., Kyle, P., McKay, R., Talarico, F., Tulaczyk, S., Vogel, S.W., and Wilch, T., in press 2007, Petrology and geochemistry of the AND-1B core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica: Terra Antarctica, v. 14(2), 34 p.
- Wilch, T. I., and McIntosh, W. C., 2002, Lithofacies analysis and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of ice-volcano interactions at Mt. Murphy and the Crary Mountains, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: implications for Late Miocene ice-sheet history in West Antarctica, in Smellie, J. L., and Chapman, M. R., eds., Ice-volcano Interaction on Earth and Mars: London, U.K., Geological Society of London, p. 237-253.
- Wilch, T.I., and McIntosh, W.C., 2000, Eocene and Oligocene volcanism at Mt. Petras, Marie Byrd Land: implications for middle Cenozoic ice-sheet reconstructions in West Antarctica: Antarctic Science, Cambridge University Press. v. 12, p. 477-491.
- Panter, K.S., Hart, S.R., Kyle, P.R., Blusztanjn, J., and Wilch, T.I., 2000, Geochemistry of late Cenozoic basalts from the Crary Mountains: characterization of mantle sources in eastern Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: Chemical Geology, v. 165, p. 215-241.
- Wilch, T.I., McIntosh, W.C., and Dunbar, N.W., 1999, Late Quaternary volcanic activity in Marie Byrd Land: potential 40Ar/39Ar -dated time horizons in future West Antarctic ice and marine cores: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 111, p. 1563- 1580.
Selected Recent Meeting Presentations/Abstracts
- Di Roberto, A., Pompilio, M. and Wilch, T.I. , 2009, Miocene subaqueous volcaniclastic deposits in the AND-1B Core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica, ANDRILL-MIS Science Integration Workshop, Feb. 10-13.
- Wilch, T.I. McIntosh, W.C., Panter, K.S., Dunbar, N.W., Smellie, J.L., Fargo, A.J., Scanlan, M., Zimmerer, M.J., Ross, J., and Bosket, M.E., 2008, Volcanic and Glacial Geology of the Miocene Minna Bluff Volcanic Complex, Antarctica, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-20.
- Di Roberto, A., Pompilio, M. and Wilch, T.I. 2008, Miocenic subaqueous volcaniclastic deposits in ANDRILL-MIS core, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-20.
- Dunbar, N.W., Panter, K.S., Scanlan, M., Fargo, A.J., McIntosh, W.C., and Wilch, T.I., 2008, Petrology of Inclusion-Rich Lavas at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: TI: Evidence for Complex Mixing Processes Controlling the Composition of a Wide Range of Alkaline Volcanic Rocks at Minna Bluff, Antarctica, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-20.
- Bosket, M.E., Wilch, T.I. Panter, K.S., Dunbar, N.W., and McIntosh, W.C., 2008, Explosively Erupted Hydrovolcanic Deposits at Minna Saddle, Antarctica: Evidence of Limited Ice-Magma Interaction, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 5-9.Wilch, T.I.; McIntosh, W.C.; Smellie, J.L.; Dunbar, N.W.; Fargo, A.; Scanlan, M.K.; Roberts, P.D.; Panter, K.S., 2007, Late Miocene volcanism and glaciation at Minna Bluff, Antarctica, Online Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science, Santa Barbara CA.
- Dunbar, N.W., McIntosh, W.C., Wilch, T.I. 2007 Integrated tephrochonology of the West Antarctic region- Implications for a potential tephra record in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core, 10th International Antarctic Earth Science meeting, Santa Barbara, California, August 2007, Extended Abstract 179, 4p.
- Krissek, L.A., G. Browne, L. Carter, E. Cowan, G. Dunbar, R. McKay, T. Naish, R. Powell, J. Reed, T. Wilch, and the ANDRILL-MIS Science Team 2007, Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf (AND-1B) core, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A.K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007, Extended Abstract 148, 4 p.
- Pompilio, M., P. Kyle, T. Wilch, N. Dunbar and MIS ANDRILL SCIENCE TEAM 2007, The volcanic record in the ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf AND-1B drill core. in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K.Cooper and C. R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstract 199, 1-4.
- Powell, R.D., Naish, T.R., Krissek, L.A., Browne, G.H., Carter, L., Cowan, E.A., Dunbar, G.B., McKay, R.M., Wilch, T.I., and the ANDRILL-MIS Science Team., 2007, Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics through the Neogene from evidence in the ANDRILL–McMurdo Ice Shelf Project drillcore (AND-1B), 10th International Antarctic Earth Science meeting, Santa Barbara, California, August 2007, Extended Abstract 201, 4 p.
- Wilch, T.I., 2007, Volcanic stratigraphy of the ANDRILL MIS Core, McMurdo Ice Shelf project post-drilling workshop, May 1-4, 2007, Antarctic Core Repository, Florida State University, Tallahassee.
- Linoln, B.Z., Bartels, W.S., Linoln, T.N., Menold, C., Wilch, T.I., Van de Ven, C., 2007, Research experiences for first and second year students at Albion College, Geological Society of America annual meeting: Denver, CO, USA.
- Panter, K.S. and Wilch, T.I., 2006, Potential use of Cenozoic volcanic-glacial records from the upper Scott Glacier to interpret Antarctic cryosphere history and constrain mantle source and geodynamic evolution in the southern Transantarctic Mountains, Transantarctic Mountains Workshop: New opportunities for multi-disciplinary work, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
- Roberts, P.D. and Wilch, T.I., 2005, Diel cycles in stream stage and turbidity in a small Midwestern agricultural stream: Implications for water quality assessment, Geological Society of America annual meeting: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Externally Funded Grants
- 2006-10. Principal Investigator: Collaborative Research: Late Cenozoic Volcanism and Glaciation at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: Implications for Antarctic Cryosphere History, submitted to the Office of Polar Program, National Science Foundation, June 2, 2005. (award: $345,558 total; $111,889 to Albion College).
- 2006-08. Co-investigator: Volcaniclastic Lithofacies of the McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) ANDRILL Core. Subaward to NSF-funded Antarctic Geological Drilling (ANDRILL) initiative (University of Nebraska, awardee). Albion subaward amount: $34,027 May 31, 2006-7, 12 month extension granted; subaward supplement, $19,258, funded 8/30/07. (Total award $53,285.). (Project Website)
- 2001-03. Principal Investigator for contractual services through Calhoun Conservation District: Rice Creek Watershed Project, ($122,920 over 2 years; $67,000 to Albion College) Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Watershed Planning Project 319 funds, Co-principal investigators: Tim Lincoln, Doug White, Ellen Wilch, Luti Erbeznik.
- 1998-2002. Principal Investigator: Paleo-ice-level elevations of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Mt. Takahe, ($167,000 over 2 years; $114,000 to Albion College) National Science Foundation: Polar Programs, Glaciology Division. Co-principal investigators: Bill McIntosh and Nelia Dunbar, New Mexico Tech.
- 1999. Principal Investigator: Glacial geologic mapping near Dowling, Michigan, Barry County, Michigan, ($4,620 to Albion College) Pierce-Cedar Creek Institute, co-principal investigators: Kyle Roslund and Katie Pritchard, Albion College (students).