Meet our Alumni
Bill Sweeney, '98
Chief of Staff, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow
“Ford teaches you many things – how to think critically, how to write beautifully, but most importantly how to lead through service to others. Every day, I’m using the lessons I learned in the Ford Institute.”
Tonya Zimmerman, '01
Senior Policy Analyst, Maryland Department of Legislative Services
“My advice would be to be open about where your degree will lead. Public service and policy can occur in many forms. I was not sure where my degree would lead when I finished at Albion, but through my time in AmeriCorps and later schooling I found my way into a rewarding career in state government.”
Patrick Schefsky, '06
Attorney, Poznak Dyer Kanar Garchow PLC
“The teaching style at Albion and the Ford Institute forged critical thinking and problem-solving skills which relate well to my role as a civil litigation attorney.”
Annie Gawkowski, '10
Director of Political Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
“There was something about Albion that made me feel like I could do anything. As I student, I truly felt that the sky was the limit. My involvement with Ford helped me settle on a career in politics very early in my academic career, and I was able to build upon it for four years.”
Andrew Kercher, '11
Senior Historical Interpreter, Mackinac State Historic Parks
“I loved our trips to Lansing. As the Ford student worker, I was able to attend multiple times and help oversee the trip’s continued success year after year for the incoming freshman class.”
Christin Spoolstra, '11
Deputy Country Director, Caring for Cambodia
“By not only sending new first years out on a mission to learn about our new community but also to then put that new knowledge into social action, Ford began to shape the direction of my education. Knowledge is nothing without accompanied, directed action.”