A student sitting next to a man. Both are wearing suits.

Nathaniel Love, '13, with Dennis Cawthorne, '62, of Lansing lobbying firm Kelley Cawthorne.

Are you interested in making an impact on your community, your city, your world? Are you motivated to go beyond the surface and what is “required” to learn more regarding topics you feel passionate about? Are you committed to serving others to improve their reality?

The Gerald Ford Institute for Public Service has more than 140 student members from a broad range of majors and minors. Through the Institute, students can pursue a major in public policy or a concentration in public policy and service. An internship or off-campus experience is typically part of the program.

Albion College faculty across a range of academic disciplines are specially chosen to teach Gerald Ford Institute for Public Service courses. We encourage you to explore the Gerald Ford Institute for Public Service website to learn more about our offerings and how we can help you make that impact.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to receive additional information.