Experiential Certificates
According to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, certificates are the fastest-growing post-secondary credential in the United States.
Experiential Certificates are specialized programs that bridge theory and practice, with an emphasis on real-world application. Each certificate is organized around a theme or specialization highlighting your interests or professional goals. You’ll work with an advisor to design and complete an approved sequence of academic courses, co-curricular experience and written reflection that help you stand out from the crowd.
You’re more than just your major and minor. Experiential Certificates enhance your liberal arts college experience and connect you to some of the most transformative opportunities that Albion College has to offer.
Ready to learn more?
What is an Experiential Certificate?
An Experiential Certificate provides formal recognition of the work you will do to design and complete an approved sequence of academic courses, hands-on experience and written reflection. Each certificate is organized around a theme or specialization that highlights your interests or professional goals.
Who can complete an Experiential Certificate?
You can. Any Albion College Student can enroll. Join us for any Purpose Workshop to learn more.
How long does it take to complete an Experiential Certificate?
Usually about two years. Students work at their own pace and coordinate their progress with the availability of academic courses, internships, research opportunities and other experiences that count toward certificate completion. It may take you less time or more time depending on these factors.
When should I start my Experiential Certificate?
You can enroll at any time during your degree program at Albion College. You may even be able to count experiences that you completed before enrolling. Meet with an SPP advisor or join us for any Purpose Workshop to begin designing your certificate pathway.
How do I start my Experiential Certificate?
Meet with an SPP advisor or join us for any Purpose Workshop to begin designing your certificate pathway.
Can I complete more than one Experiential Certificate?
Yes, you can! Depending on your other responsibilities, it is possible to design and earn more than one Experiential Certificate. An SPP advisor can help you explore different pathways to completion.
Why should I earn an Experiential Certificate?
Each Experiential Certificate offers a guided process for achievement and reflection on your out-of-classroom accomplishments. You’ll be able to show initiative and depth on your transcript, and better communicate the fullness of your Albion College experience in job and graduate school applications.
What are the requirements for an Experiential Certificate?
Each certificate has its own requirements, but there are shared features across all certificates including:
- Attending a Purpose Workshop and meeting with an SPP advisor at least once each semester.
- Choosing at least three academic courses that support your pursuit of purpose.
- Completing approved experiential learning and professional development experiences.
- Writing about those experiences and attending at least two Look Writing Retreats.
Learn more about specific experiential certificate requirements
Does the grade I receive in my academic coursework matter?
You must earn a passing grade as defined by Albion college’s guideline for a course to count toward an Experiential Certificate.
Can a course that is required for my major or minor count toward an experiential certificate?
Yes! You will work with an SPP advisor to choose the courses that count toward your Experiential Certificate.
What happens if I enroll in an Experiential Certificate but don’t finish the requirements?
We’re here to answer your questions and support your success! But there are absolutely no negative repercussions if you do not complete an Experiential Certificate. Participate as much or as little makes sense to achieve your goals. It is better to enroll and not complete a certificate than to not enroll at all. You’re likely to pick up some experiences and Innovation Badges along the way!
Additional questions? Please reach out to Chrissy Pfeil at cpfeil@albion.edu.