Innovation Badges

Welcome to the world of Innovation Badges!

Foundational Badges

Career Management Toggle Accordion

Career ManagementLearning Objectives

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the importance of attending career events.
  • Understand the importance of professional networking.
  • Create a four-year career development plan.




Career Development, Interviewing Skills, Job Search, Networking, Professionalism


Career and Self Development, Professionalism, Communication


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete a professional skills assessment in Focus2Career and debrief with the badge administrator.
  2. Attend a career-oriented networking event and submit a written reflection.
  3. Complete a mock interview and submit written and verbal reflections.
  4. Create professional profiles on LinkedIn and Handshake.
  5. Create a four-year career development plan based on the earner’s goals with the support of the Career and Internship Center.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!


Environmental Justice in Albion Toggle Accordion

Environmental Justice in AlbionLearning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Define environmental justice and give examples of environmental justice issues that impact communities.
  2. Assess social vulnerability in communities.
  3. Analyze past and current environmental issues in Albion through an environmental justice lens.
  4. Apply classroom learning about social vulnerability and environmental issues to assess environmental justice in a student’s hometown.




Critical Thinking, Environmental Issues, Environmental Justice, Reflection, Vulnerability


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Environmental Justice in Albion online course, consisting of six hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.
  2. Attend a field trip that provides context to course content about environmental justice in Albion, Michigan.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to to begin your badge!

Feminism in Practice Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic principles of feminist theory.
  • Examine how sex and gender influence opportunity and achievement.
  • Practice critical through writing and reflection prompts.





Collaboration, Critical Reading, Discussion, Reflection, Verbal Communication, Written Communication


Equity and Inclusion, Leadership 


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete two hours of asynchronous readings about feminist theory.
  2. Attend a screening of “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry” by Mary Dore.
  3. Participate in cohort discussions about the selected text, “Woman Hollering and Other Stories” by Sandra Cisneros.
  4. Complete five experiential learning hours with a student organization to promote and advance feminism at Albion College.
  5. Reflect on the experiential learning experience(s).

Please click here to begin your badge!

Foundations of Race and Belonging Toggle Accordion

Foundations of Race and Belonging

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the origins of race in a United States context.
  2. Identify key events and figures in the American Civil Rights Movement.
  3. Describe the importance of historical events in shaping racial classifications in contemporary                                                        American society.




Critical Reading, Critical Theory, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Reflection, Writing


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Foundations of Race and Belonging online course, consisting of ten hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle.  Please click here to begin your badge!

Grant Writing 101 Toggle Accordion

Grant Writing 101Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the key components of effectively requesting resources for a community project.
  2. Write a grant to support a community initiative.
  3. Recognize the steps needed to implement a community service project.




Grant Writing, Community Development, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Professionalism, Public Speaking


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Learn the basics of grant writing.
  2. Write a grant proposal to meet an identified need in the Albion community and present the proposal.
  3. Implement the grant proposal in the Albion community.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!

Interprofessional Healthcare Collaboration Toggle Accordion

Interprofessional Healthcare Collaboration

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Explain, demonstrate, and reflect on effective teamwork and the importance of teamwork in healthcare settings.
  2. Communicate effectively with individuals in health professions.
  3. Identify the impact(s) of a health professional’s culture, values, roles, responsibilities, and expertise on health outcomes.




Written and Verbal Communication, Teamwork, Writing, Reflection


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Interprofessional Healthcare Collaboration online course, consisting of ten hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!

Intersectional Writing Toggle Accordion

Intersectional Writing

Learning Objectives 

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Understand key concepts of intersectionality and positionality for personal and professional development.
  2. Identify how intersectional identities impact school, work, and personal life.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of written works by critical theorists of color and apply this knowledge to everyday life.




Critical Thinking, Introspection, Reflection, Synthesis, Textual Analysis, Writing


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Intersectional Writing online course, consisting of ten hours of critical reading and reflection.
  2. Attend one on-campus event that directly correlates with identity and professional development.
  3. Submit two 300-400 word writing samples about personal and professional experiences related to social identity.
  4. Submit seven reflections connecting course content to everyday life.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle.  Please click here to begin your badge!

Introduction to Advocacy Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the strategies and tactics that advocates use to make ethical and effective social, political, economic, and cultural change.
  2. Identify the core elements of a successful advocacy campaign including effective messaging; communicating with decision makers; harnessing the power of mass media to to disseminate your message and learning creative strategies; and tactics to make change.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of written works by critical theorists of color and apply this knowledge to everyday life.




Activism, Advocacy, Analytical Thinking, Communication, Decision Making


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Introduction to Advocacy online course, consisting of ten hours of engagement through eight activities and two reflections.
  2. Complete and pass three required quizzes.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle.  Click here to begin your badge!

Introduction to Community Engagement Toggle Accordion

Badge Photo

Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and respond to injustice.
  2. Understand the core concepts of effective advocacy and civic and community engagement.
  3. Recognize how to engage with diverse communities through reciprocal and mutually beneficial partnerships.




Activism, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Community Partnerships, Reflection, Writing


Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Communication


To successfully earn this badge, the earner must:

  1. Complete the Introduction to Advocacy online course, consisting of twelve hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.
  2. Complete and pass four quizzes relating to course content.
  3. Submit five assignments related to advocacy, activism, and asset-based thinking and practice.
  4. Submit seven 250 word reflections connecting course content to everyday life.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!

Master Interviewer Toggle Accordion

Master InterviewerLearning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the basics of interviewing and communicate their professional experiences to an interviewer.
  2. Answer common interview questions.
  3. Answer behavioral interview questions.




Communication, Interviewing Skills, Professionalism, Public Speaking, Reflection


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Watch fifty ten-minute professional video lessons.
  2. Complete eleven quizzes based on video content.
  3. Complete a series of practice interviews to utilize course content from videos and quizzes.

All tasks must be completed in Big Interview. Please click here to begin your badge!

PathFinder Toggle Accordion


Learning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Refine writing skills through PathFinder reflections.
  2. Articulate personal values and identify how these values will impact future career plans and goals.
  3. Utilize PathFinder reflections as talking points in future interviews.




Critical Thinking, Reflection, Writing


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete a series of reflections based on curricular and co-curricular experiences.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!

Title IX Toggle Accordion

Title IX

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Identify behaviors that violate the Albion College Title IX policy and
  2. Identify methods for reporting Title IX violations.
  3. Recall resources on campus and in the local community that are available to survivors of sex-based violence and harassment.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the components of healthy relationships and consent.




Advocacy, Communication, Consent, Inclusion, Resource Acquisition, Sexual Harassment Awareness


Equity and Inclusion, Communication, Career and Self Development


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete an online Title IX training module provided by Vector Solutions.
  2. Complete and pass a quiz related to Title IX training content.
  3. Complete the Healthy Relationships and Consent workshop during Albion-O.
  4. Complete the Green Dot overview training during the earner’s First-Year Experience Seminar.

Upon completion of all Innovation Badge content, you will automatically be issued your badge via Credly.

Verbal Communication Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and define key verbal and non-verbal communication terms.
  2. Analyze historical speeches utilizing communication terms and ideas.
  3. Identify strategies for organizing a speech.
  4. Practice communicating across lines of difference.
  5. Write and deliver a persuasive speech utilizing communication principles.




Active Listening, Discussion, Negotiation, Persuasion, Presentation, Verbal Communication


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Attend ten hours of in-person engagement to practice verbal communication skills.
  2. Write and deliver a persuasive speech.
  3. Attend a screening of “The Great Debaters.”
  4. Reflect on the badge experience.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Click here to begin your badge!

Volunteer Service Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Develop written and/or verbal communication skills.
  2. Explain the value and importance of communicating with individuals with different personal identities and perspectives.
  3. Demonstrate leadership skills with campus and/or community partners.
  4. Demonstrate concern for the welfare of others in a broader community.




Collaboration, Communication, Community Building, Community Engagement, Teamwork


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete fifty hours of community service with an approved community partner(s).
  2. Reflect on the community service experience(s).

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Click here to begin your badge!

Intermediate Badges

Organizing an Advocacy Campaign Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, earners will be able to:

  1. Learn best practices of advocacy and organizing to help them achieve organizational advocacy goals.
  2. Learn how to create an advocacy campaign including effective messaging, meeting with decision-makers, working with the media, and mapping a coordinated strategy.


Introduction to Advocacy


Advocacy, Analytical Thinking, Communication, Decision-Making, Goal Setting, Teamwork


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Organizing an Advocacy Campaign online course, consisting of twenty hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.
  2. Complete and pass four quizzes.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin this badge!


Sustainable Living Toggle Accordion

Sustainable LivingLearning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the ecological footprint concept, calculate their footprint using different calculators, and reflect on different ways to reduce their footprint.
  2. Practice taking positive actions to reduce their environmental impact and understand the value and challenges as individuals and as a society.
  3. Develop and justify a personal sustainable living pledge.




Critical Reading, Environmental Stewardship, Reflection, Sustainability


Equity and Inclusion, Career and Self Development, Critical Thinking


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete the Sustainable Living course, consisting of twenty hours of critical reading, analysis, and reflection.
  2. Complete three week long Lifestyle Project to experiment with small changes in the earner’s lifestyle that are beneficial to the environment.
  3. Write a personal Sustainable Living Pledge that reflects the earner’s values and goals.
  4. Participate in discussion with instructor and peers regarding Sustainable Living Pledge and potential revisions.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin this badge!


Volunteer Service Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Develop written and/or verbal communication skills.
  2. Explain the value and importance of communicating with individuals with different personal identities and perspectives.
  3. Demonstrate leadership skills with campus and/or community partners.
  4. Demonstrate concern for the welfare of others in a broader community.




Collaboration, Communication, Community Building, Community Engagement, Teamwork


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete 100 hours of community service with an approved community partner(s).
  2. Reflect on the community service experience(s).

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Click here to begin your badge!

Advanced Badges

3D Printing Toggle Accordion

3D PrintingLearning Objectives 

Upon completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of design principles.
  2. Design a 3D object and print it on a 3D printer.
  3. Demonstrate ability to navigate 3D printing errors.
  4. Apply trial-and-error techniques to the 3D printing process.
  5. Articulate skills obtained from the printing process.




3D Printing, Critical Thinking, Design Elements and Principles, Reflection, Troubleshooting (Problem Solving)


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete 3D Printing online course to learn the fundamentals of the printing process.
  2. Complete 3D printing session with a member of the Albion College Innovation Badge.
  3. Complete, start, and finish a 3D print.
  4. Complete an assessment on how to troubleshoot 3D printers.
  5. Print a physical three-dimensional 3D Printing Innovation Badge.
  6. Submit a written reflection about the 3D printing process.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Please click here to begin your badge!

Community Project Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, students will be able to:

  1. Gain feedback from members of the Albion community.
  2. Remove barriers to future community service efforts and projects.
  3. Improve an understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
  4. Collaborate and negotiate to resolve conflict.
  5. Improve problem-solving ability and obtain, analyze, and synthesize data to evaluate community needs.




Communication, Community Building, Community Partnerships, Leadership, Project Management, Teamwork


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete 100 hours of community service with an approved community partner(s).
  2. Complete a community-based project with an approved community partner(s).
  3. Reflect on the community service experience(s).

All tasks must be completed in Moodle. Click here to begin your badge!

Human Rights Advocacy Toggle Accordion

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this Innovation Badge, earners will be able to:

  1. Understand the best practices of the international human rights movement and apply them in their own community.
  2. Understand the international human rights standards and explore the strategies and tactics successful advocates use to promote change.
  3. Practice being changemakers in their own communities by serving in a rights-based/justice-oriented organization and organizing advocacy activities that highlight and challenge injustice.


Introduction to Advocacy, Organizing an Advocacy Campaign


Advocacy, Analytical Thinking, Communication, Decision-Making, Leadership, Programming


To successfully earn this badge, earners must:

  1. Complete ten hours of learning, consisting of two activities and three reflections.
  2. Complete the human rights field experience through one semester of on-campus social-justice leadership and participation, or thirty hours of engagement with a justice-oriented or community-based organization.

All tasks must be completed in Moodle.  Click here to begin your badge!