Perry W. Myers


Perry Myers received his B.A. and M.B.A. from Baylor University and then pursued a career in investment banking, where he worked for Merrill Lynch Capital Markets and J.P. Morgan Global Markets in Frankfurt, Germany for 11 years. After returning to the US he received his M.A. and Ph.D. in German Studies from the University of Texas Austin., and came to Albion College in 2004, where he is currently Professor of German Studies. His teaching not only encompasses history and culture during the Enlightenment, but also extends to the Modern era to include ever-evolving relevant themes on multiculturalism in Germany, Vergangenheitsbewältigung and Crime Novels, and German film. Alongside his full load of course offerings, he actively publishes articles as well as books. Some of his past work includes articles on Thomas Mann, Max Weber, and German travelers to India. His books include The Double Edged Sword: The Cult of Bildung in Fin-de-Siécle German (Rudolf Steiner and Max Weber) (Lang, 2004). And he most recently published German Visions of India, 1871 -1918. Commandeering the Holy Ganges during the Kaiserreich (Palgrave, 2013). His newest book that is nearing completion is a comparative research project on cosmopolitan religious movements in England, France, Germany, and India (1871-1932), with the tentative title Prophets and Partisans during the Long Fin-de-Siécle (1871-1932): Cosmopolitan Religion in Europe and India.

Recently, Dr. Myers was interviewed by New Books Network for a podcast about his book, Cosmopolitan Religious Movements from 1875 to the Interwar Era. To learn more about it or listen, click here