
July 31, 2018

To paraphrase an old saying, Annika Markovich’s summer is water to drink—but that’s about it. “We get only one freshwater shower a week and there are no laundry machines, so everything is washed with salt water from the ocean,” the senior biology major says. “It was a large adjustment, but I got used to it. It is just a very different lifestyle than the one we live in the States.”

April 6, 2017

Kylie Heitman, ’17, has been a horse lover and rider since she was five and she has long dealt with the stress many horses experience when their daily routine is interrupted. Specifically, she wanted to know if an essential oil, in this case lavender, when diffused into the air could reduce stress in horses by suppressing their heart rates and cortisol levels.

March 24, 2017

Albion College biology professor Dale Kennedy’s love of birds led her to a career of studying the feathered creatures. Her passion resulted in her recently received William and Nancy Klamm Service Award from the Wilson Ornithological Society, one of the oldest ornithological societies in America.

January 5, 2017

Kenny McCosh, ’17, and Monica Brugnoni, ’17, will be part of a group of 26 Albion students who will volunteer their time and efforts for the Global Medical Brigades to help needy residents in Nicaragua. “It’s almost a cliché to say that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” McCosh said.

July 11, 2016

On May 10, somewhere deep on the Appalachian Trail, Tom Poirier celebrated 30 years of sobriety all by himself. It was perhaps the perfect irony that on that momentous spring day he found himself acknowledging the vanquishing of one challenge in the place where he was attempting to embrace another. For Poirier, trekking the Appalachian Trail had found a place in his psyche for decades, an opportunity that haunted and dared him.