Brandon Luttig, ’23

Major: Accounting, CPA Emphasis
Minor: Philosophy
Concentration: Carl A. Gerstacker Institute for Business and Management
Residence: Fowler, MI
Career: Auditor for the Office of the Auditor General (State of Michigan)

In a nutshell, what do you do?

Conduct financial, performance, and investigative audits, as well as other non-audit services, for all branches, departments, offices, boards, commissions, agencies, authorities, and institutions of the State.

Why do you love what you do?

I have the opportunity to experience what it’s like to work in so many different industries and departments. I like that auditing is an ongoing learning process and you have to be adaptive to become familiar with different fields of work.

How did Albion help you get there?

For me, Albion provided me with the opportunities to be successful in the transition from a student to going into the workforce. Specifically, the Gerstacker Institute helped connect me with a network of Albion alumni, and helped me gain leadership and business skills through on-campus programs as well as internship experiences.