Faculty and Staff


  • Bindu Madhok


    B.A. University of Calcutta
    Ph.D., Brown University
    At Albion since 1990

    Dr. Madhok teaches and researches in the areas of Ethical Theory, Applied Ethics, and Meta-Ethics.

    Faculty Profile

    Office: Vulgamore Hall 215
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (517) 629-0338

  • Jeremy Kirby


    B.A., University of Utah
    M.A., University of Utah
    Ph.D., Florida State University
    At Albion since 2006

    Dr. Kirby teaches and researches in the areas of Ancient Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, and 20th Century Philosophy. Visit his blog, Orthos Logos.

    Faculty Profile

    Office: Vulgamore Hall 216
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (517) 629-0353

  • Daniel M. Mittag

    Associate Professor and Department Chair

    B.A., Drake University
    M.A., Texas A&M University
    M.A., Ph.D., University of Rochester
    At Albion since 2007

    Dr. Mittag teaches in the areas of Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, and Logic.  His primary area of research is Epistemology.

    Faculty Profile

    Office: Vulgamore Hall 208
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (517) 629-0239

  • Sean Kermath


    B.A University of Michigan 2012                                                                                                                        M.A. Western Michigan University

    Professor Kermath teaches and his research is in Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Moral Psychology

    Office: Vulgamore 213
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (517)629-0524


  • Linda Clawson

    Department Secretary

    B.A., 1979, University of California at Santa Barbara
    Joined Albion in 1993

    Office: Vulgamore Hall 207
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (517) 629-0207
    Fax: (517) 629-0286

Faculty Emeriti

  • H. Eugene Cline

    Professor Emeritus

    B.R.E., Cornerstone University, 1967; M.A. 1969
    Ph.D. Michigan State University, 1980
    Joined Albion in 1979

    Dr. Cline taught and researched in the areas of Social Philosophy and the Philosophy of Law.

    Faculty Profile

  • Ralph M. Davis

    Professor Emeritus

    A.B., 1958, Stanford University
    Ph.D., 1967, University of Oregon
    Appointed 1967

    Dr. Davis was named the recipient of the Prentiss M. Brown Distinguished Honors Professorship for the 2004-2005 academic year.

    Email: [email protected]

  • Jorg Baumgartner

    Professor Emeritus

    B.A., 1958, Mörike Gymnasium Ludwigsburg
    Cand. phil., 1962, Free University of Berlin;
    Cand. theol., 1964, University of Tübingen
    M.A., 1973; Ph.D., 1986, Michigan State University
    Appointed 1985

    Email: [email protected]

In Memory

  • Ned S. Garvin

    In Memory

    1948 – 2006, beloved and outstanding teacher and colleague.

    Read more about the remarkable life of Ned Garvin.

  • Jack F. Padgett

    In Memory


    A.B., 1950, Juniata College; S.T.B., 1953, Boston University, School of Theology; Ph.D., 1959, Boston University, Graduate School. On staff 1965-1990. Emeritus 1990.

    Read more about Padgett’s impact at Albion.