Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging – ES

At Albion College, we strive to be a place where students from all backgrounds can feel like one community. We believe that innovation can only come through different perspectives. We believe that every individual student has the potential to make an impact. And we believe that we need to go beyond diversity, equity and inclusion to true belonging.

Albion College is committed to being a place that it is boldly anti-racist and anti-ism, and to the ongoing work that demands of us.

In August of 2020, we launched the Blueprint for Belonging. The annual, year-long evaluation process will involve all members of our community and result in actionable items for every unit of our college. The final recommendations will be released in June 2021. This is the foundation that will help guide us into a richer, fuller, equal future.

New Office of Belonging

Founded in 2020, the new Office of Belonging will work with every section of campus to further our vision for Albion College. Helmed by Keena Williams ‘09, Chief Belonging Officer and Title IX Coordinator, the Office is tasked with implementing the Blueprint for Belonging, overseeing bias reporting and ensuring that our campus aligns with Title IX policy.

Office of Belonging

Every day I see an Albion that looks new and vibrant, where students feel like they belong. This is something you want to be a part of.

Keena Williams, ‘09, Chief Belonging Officer and Title IX Coordinator

Campus Initiatives

In addition to the New Office of Belonging, here are some other ways Albion College promotes diversity, inclusion and belonging:

Blueprint for Belonging

Bias Reporting

Office of Campus Life

Diversity Committees

Our Action Toolkit details the framework that will guide the Blueprint, as well as the different stages in each part of the process.

Read our Action Toolkit

Our bias reporting system is a tool for all members of our community to report individual incidents of bias on or off campus and serves as a mechanism to help us address systemic issues of bias more broadly

Bias Reporting

Our newly-reimagined Office of Campus Life promotes our diverse student body by offering space for students to celebrate their identities through campus-wide events and student organizations.

Office of Campus Life

We established the Undocumented Student Support Committee to help identify and address the needs of our undocumented students and the Faculty Diversity Committee to help tackle diversity-related issues around campus.

Belonging takes us past diversity, equity and inclusion and asks us to be a place where Albion feels like home to everyone.

Dr. Mathew Johnson

President of Albion College