Mathematics Major and Minor
Mathematics has been called the universal language and the language of science. If you enjoy problem solving, the rigor and elegance of logical reasoning, intellectual challenges and thinking abstractly, consider continuing these pursuits at Albion College. Our program is geared toward students who wish to develop their appreciation of the power and beauty of mathematics.

Why Study Mathematics at Albion?
Our courses emphasize both theory and important practical applications, enabling you to discover your strengths through individual attention and small class sizes. You’ll join an engaging scholarly community outside of class as well—perhaps during a meal, or during our weekly colloquium series, or during professor office hours. Alongside distinguished faculty, you’ll thrive in state-of-the-art facilities and prepare for a career in the field.
What Will You Learn as a Mathematics Major?
Modeling and problem solving. Logic and quantitative skills. Critical thinking, abstraction and rigor. You'll take risks, developing formulas and concepts. And you'll be challenged to go from the conceptual to the practical by applying these skills to other disciplines—in natural sciences like chemistry or physics, for example, or in social sciences like economics and psychology.
Teacher Certification with a Mathematics Major
Interested in teaching? Pair your Mathematics major (or minor) with an Education Concentration to be eligible for your Michigan Department of Education teaching certificate.
Department Activities

As a mathematics student at Albion, you’ll join a vibrant community of scholars who learn and connect outside the classroom as well. Ask questions at the department’s Colloquium Series; present papers at local, regional and national forums; participate in statewide and national competitions like the Michigan Autumn Take-Home Challenge. And Albion’s long-established chapter of the mathematics honorary society Kappa Mu Epsilon promotes lectures, films and social events.
Off-Campus Opportunities

Each year many high-quality academic opportunities are available to Albion College students. Options include research or study internships at academic institutions all over the world, numerous federal government agencies, and government scientific laboratories.
Careers & Outcomes
You will enter an extremely favorable job market with an Albion mathematics degree. Demand is high in both industry and government for employees with training in mathematics and statistics, and there is also a need for secondary school teachers who are certified to teach mathematics or computer science. With a degree in mathematics, it is also possible to gain admission to graduate school in other fields such as public policy, management and operations research.
Job Titles
- Accountant or Auditor
- Actuary
- Architect
- Computer Programmer
- Corporate Executive
- Engineer
- Financial Advisor
- Lawyer
- Mathematician
- Operations Research Analyst
- Physician or Surgeon
- Statistician
- Educator