Writing Portfolio

WPR At a Glance

Continuous development as a writer is a central part of a liberal arts education. In order to graduate from Albion, all students must demonstrate college writing proficiency by fulfilling one of the following requirements:

  • Receive a 5 on the Advanced Placement Test in English Language and Composition;
  • Receive a 5 or higher on one of the International Baccalaureate High Level English tests
  • Complete English 101W, College Writing, or English 102W, College Writing Honors, at Albion College with a 3.0 or above;
  • Transfer a writing course that is the equivalent of English 101W or 102W at Albion College with a grade of 3.0 or above;
  • Pass the Writing Portfolio evaluation (see details below).

For more information about the Writing Proficiency Requirement (WPR), see the current Academic Catalog.

The Writing Portfolio (WP) can be submitted at regular dates during the academic year (see the schedule for submission dates). The Writing Portfolio is submitted online via Moodle. Specific details will be sent to registered students prior to testing.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, students who need to complete the WP will be automatically registered for a submission date. You will be notified via email of the registration at least one month prior to the submission date. Students needing to change their submission date can email ikelley@albion.edu.  

Upon reaching junior status, or 16 to 24 credits, any student who has not yet fulfilled the writing proficiency requirement as indicated above will be automatically registered for and required to complete the WP.

  • Once you are registered for a submission date, we recommend that you review other WP information and the FAQ.
  • For access to the instructions and rubric for the Writing Portfolio evaluation, click on this link.
  • For access to a sample student portfolio, click on this link.

Disability Accommodations

Please email your request to Ian Kelley (ikelley@albion.edu), Director of Writing Assessment, at least five days prior to your assigned submission date.