Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to complete the Writing Portfolio (WP)? Toggle Accordion

Albion College believes that writing proficiency is an important part of a liberal arts education. In order to graduate from Albion, all students must demonstrate college writing proficiency; the Writing Portfolio (WP) is one option for students to demonstrate this proficiency. For more information, see the Writing Proficiency Requirement in the Academic Catalog.

Do not confuse the Writing Portfolio with the SOAR English Placement Test: these are separate evaluations, and your results on one have no bearing on the other.

When should I complete the WP? Toggle Accordion

Upon reaching junior status or 16 to 24 credits, any student who has not yet fulfilled the writing proficiency requirement will be automatically registered for and required to complete the WP during their junior year. Students will receive information about their scheduled submission one month prior to the submission date.

In addition, students planning to study off campus during their junior year may fulfill their writing proficiency requirement either before the semester they will participate in their program, or immediately after that program, pending approval of the Director of Writing Assessment, Ian Kelley, whom they can contact at

See the exam schedule

What happens if I have not passed the WP by the end of my junior year? Toggle Accordion

Students who have completed 16 to 24 units, but who have not fulfilled the writing proficiency requirement (WPR) will be automatically registered for a WP submission date, and they will receive an email notifying them of this.

If a student does not complete the WPR by the end of their final semester at Albion College, they will not be able to graduate until they submit and pass the WP. 

Transfer students who have completed 16 units or more (including transfer courses) should review the Writing Proficiency Requirement in the Academic Catalog to learn how the WP policies apply to their particular situation.

What happens if I fail the WP? Toggle Accordion

It is very unlikely for you to fail the Writing Portfolio, because you are given a month to develop this portfolio, and you are highly encouraged to meet either with the Director of Writing Assessment, Dr. Ian Kelley (, or the Director of Writing Consulting, Dr. Angela Zito ( Alternatively, you may attend a consultation at the Writing Center.

If you do fail in your initial submission, you will receive detailed feedback on your work, and the opportunity to revise that work with the oversight of the Director of Writing Assessment, Dr. Ian Kelley, so that you can submit your revised work by the time of the next WP submission date.

What are the WP dates for the academic year? Toggle Accordion

There are multiple submission deadlines for the Writing Portfolio evaluation – see the schedule.

What are the logistics of the WP? Toggle Accordion

  • You will be notified via email of your scheduled submission deadline for the WP one month in advance.
  • You will develop a draft of your portfolio and receive feedback on that draft from the Director of Writing Assessment (Dr. Ian Kelley), the Director of Writing Consulting (Dr. Angela Zito), or an appointment with the Writing Center.
  • You will submit your portfolio on the Moodle Writing Portfolio page by 11:59 p.m. on the day of your scheduled submission deadline.
  • You will receive your results within one month of submitting your WP.


When are students notified of their test results? Toggle Accordion

Students are generally sent their results one month after the submission deadline. Results will be sent to your Albion College email address.

Where do I get more information? Toggle Accordion

For more information, review the English Department WP webpages and the Academic Catalog. If you still have questions after reviewing this information, contact the Director of Writing Assessment, Dr. Ian Kelley at