Nicholas Laban

Head Collaborative Pianist

Office: Goodrich T-4
Phone: 517-629-0827
E-mail: [email protected]

  • M.M., 2013, Western Michigan University
  • B.A., 2011, Albion College

Nicholas Laban is a collaborative pianist based in Albion, Michigan. He has served as the Full-Time Staff Accompanist for the Albion College Music Department since Fall 2013. At Albion, Nicholas is responsible for accompanying vocalists, instrumentalists, choirs, and faculty performances, as well as overseeing scheduling and coordinating accompanist duties. During the summer, he serves as pianist and coach for the High School Vocal Artist program at the prestigious Interlochen Arts Camp.

Nicholas received his Bachelor’s degree from Albion College. He completed programs in Piano Performance and Economics & Management, graduating summa cum laude. He then pursued a Master’s degree in Piano Performance from Western Michigan University. At WMU he served as graduate assistant in Class Piano and Opera Accompanying, for which he received the 2013 School of Music Graduate Award for Excellence in Teaching. Principal teachers include Lori Sims, Lia Jensen-Abbott, and Ruth Goveia