
Students performing in Choralfest 2007.

The Annual Albion College Choralfest brings together a number of High School choirs to meet and sing for a selected distinguished guest clinician. Choirs will perform for each other and receive feedback from the clinician and Dr. Clayton Parr, Director of Choral Activities at Albion College. Throughout the day, you will also hear performances from Albion’s Concert Choir and Briton Singers. To end the day, all of the choirs will combine onstage for the closing piece, which is rehearsed during the day. This is the exciting climax to the festival with over 200 choral members on stage!

Previous Clinicians include composers Stacey V Gibbs and Keith Hampton, and conductors Karyl Carlson, Lynda Hasseler and Les Rowsey.

For more information about Choralfest, or to have your High School choirs participate in this experience which happens every October, contact Clayton Parr, Director of Choral Activities, at [email protected] or (517) 629-0251.