Fine Arts (Arts

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  2. Fine Arts (Arts

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Step Afrika

Step Afrika! is a professional dance company that performs stepping, a percussive dance tradition created by African American college students in the […]

Piano Fest

Location: Goodrich Chapel - Balcony, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 145, Goodrich Chapel - Chapel Main, Goodrich Chapel - Narthex

Symphony Orchestra Concert

Location: Goodrich Chapel - Balcony, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 127, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 145, Goodrich Chapel - Chapel Main, […]

Briton Brigade Indoor Concert

Location: Goodrich Chapel - Balcony, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 127, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 145, Goodrich Chapel - Venue, Goodrich […]

Jazz Collective Concert

Location: Goodrich Chapel - Balcony, Goodrich Chapel - Classroom 127, Goodrich Chapel - Venue, Goodrich Chapel - Narthex

Piano Studio Recital

Location: Goodrich Chapel - Balcony, Goodrich Chapel - Venue, Goodrich Chapel - Narthex

A Festival of Lessons and Carols

The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols was designed by Archbishop E. W. Benson for use in the cathedral at […]