Endowed and Annual Scholarships

The Need

Albion College is hands-on, immersive and collaborative. It creates an environment where young men and women can begin to develop the knowledge, skills and experiences that will make them successful citizens in an increasingly complex global society. Here, students learn not just to think critically, but to turn critical thought into action.

Increasing access to higher education is a complex challenge that is often discussed. For students who have demonstrated their dedication and academic laurels, increasing access to Albion College translates to dreams being fulfilled.

The Vision

Imagine working hard in school for 12 years–learning each step of the way not only what it means to be a good student, but also a solid contributor in the community. Imagine being qualified to enroll in top colleges across the country and being eager to embark on a journey over the next four years of your life that will set the stage for your future.

Now imagine having to eliminate your dream college from consideration because the financial burden is simply too significant.

Albion College envisions a future where that scenario is no longer a reality for tomorrow’s Britons. With your help, Albion can eliminate financial obstacles for students and set dreams in motion. Even more than fulfilling dreams, it would equip our world with societal leaders capable of affecting great, positive change.

The Opportunity

A gift to support scholarship strengthens Albion’s competitive position when trying to recruit top students. Your gift bolsters the College’s accessibility in a remarkable way. Perhaps most important, it puts the dream of an Albion College education within reach for even more deserving students.

Partner With Us

For each gift of $50,000, a permanently endowed scholarship will be created. This endowment will reduce the financial burden of receiving a world-class liberal arts education and provide a deep sense of pride and encouragement to an Albion College student. A named scholarship means there is a legacy to maintain, and young Britons rise to that level of responsibility in remarkable ways.

For each gift of $10,000, a four-year expendable scholarship will be created.

To learn more, please contact Institutional Advenement at [email protected], or call 517-629-1835.

Make a Gift