Albion Cited as a National Liberal Arts College on the Rise

November 22, 2019

Albion College has been named one of 10 “incredible” liberal arts colleges on the rise, according to College Gazette, an online higher education website. Albion is the only college in Michigan on the list.

“One of the things that makes Albion unique is its environment; students and parents who review their experience consistently note how close students are to their professors, forging not only an academic relationship, but a personal one as well,” the website stated.

Among the criteria for selection on the College Gazette list are classification and numerical ranking as a national liberal arts college by U.S. News and World Report in its Best Colleges 2020 edition. Additional considerations placing Albion as an on-the-rise liberal arts college include the institution’s demonstration of consistent success in its programs over the past 15 years, student/alumni accomplishments and faculty accolades.

Read more about recognition of Albion and its academic programs

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