College’s Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts Bolstered by State Grant

Funds will support ongoing prevention programs and additional security cameras on campus.

November 29, 2018

Albion College’s Division of Student Affairs received two grants last week, totaling $71,030, from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program.

A grant of $41,030 will support campus sexual assault programming, including the Green Dot Bystander Intervention program. Another grant of $30,000 will support upgrades to the College security camera system, including the installation of additional cameras.

Since August 2018, employees at Albion College have been working to implement the Green Dot Bystander Intervention program. Green Dot is a comprehensive, research-based approach to reducing sexual violence on college campuses. A previous grant in early 2018 from the Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program funded the initial implementation steps that the College has taken. In August, 24 College employees were trained to implement the program. Since then, 84 students have attended the five-hour Green Dot Bystander Intervention training, and 25 employees have attended the 75-minute employee overview session.

Lynette Gumbleton, ’19, attended a training in October. “Participating in Green Dot was incredibly empowering,” she said. “The problem solving we did helped me feel more comfortable and confident in my abilities to recognize and confront power-based violence.”

“We’ve made good progress with Green Dot so far, and we’re thankful for the additional support,” said Chris Berry, director for risk prevention and intervention at Albion College. “This semester we focused on recruiting students to go through the training, including student advocates and student leaders from fraternities, sororities, athletic teams and Student Senate. Now we’re ready to bring the program to the entire campus.”

Green Dot will officially “launch” at a campus event on January 30, 2019. After the launch event the College will conduct ongoing training for students, including optional five-hour Green Dot Bystander Intervention training and shorter overview sessions for new students.

“Green Dot gives everyday students tools to use to stop instances of power-based personal violence,” said Laurel McGerty, ’19. “If every student at Albion could go through this training, I feel that other students could have their eyes opened as well, and we could not only create the change, but sustain it for future generations to come.

To find out more about Green Dot or to get involved, email [email protected].

The second grant will fund the installation of additional security cameras on campus. Locations for new cameras have not been finalized, but will include residence hall entrances.

“The additional cameras that this grant funds will make our College a safer place by improving the College’s efforts to prevent and respond to incidences of sexual violence on our campus,” said Kenneth Snyder, associate dean of students and director for campus safety.

The Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program was established in 2016 by Michigan First Lady Sue Snyder, in partnership with the Michigan State Police, as part of Snyder’s “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault” initiative. The goal of the grant program is to support new and innovative efforts to reduce sexual assault at Michigan colleges and universities.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, see the list of resources available on and off campus. For confidential support on campus, contact Counseling Services or a Local Sexual Assault Advocate. In the community, contact Sexual Assault Services of Calhoun County 24/7 at 888-383-2192.