Student Accounting Office
Student Accounting Mission Statement
To support the vision and educational mission of Albion College, we provide diversified financial services and process financial transactions in a customer friendly environment.
We are an information clearinghouse for students, parents, faculty, staff, donors, grantors, board of trustees, alumni, vendors, creditors and retirees.
We instill confidence by providing the highest quality service in a professional and confidential manner.
We work together in a respectful and supportive environment that is conducive to a creative and rewarding work experience.
We are at your service!
Where do I locate my 1098T form?
Students can access their 1098T through MyAlbion, under the Statements section.
Ferguson, first floor
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 517-629-0507