Using Engage

Engage is home to most everything for student organizations! Here you will register or re-register your organization, submit budget requests, and update membership and leadership information. Please use this webpage as a refresher to the semester-ly Leadership Summit all student organization leaders are required to attend. If you have any questions you can email Assistant Director for Campus Life – Elizabeth Netcher – [email protected]


Re-register an organization Toggle Accordion

This is for previously registered organizations only. You cannot re-register an organization that has never registered before or has been inactive for too long. If you are unsure please email – [email protected] .


  1. Only the listed primary person for the organization will be able to re-register a student organization. This primary person will login to Engage.
  2. Once logged in you will click the organizations button
  3. Click register an organization button (on the left side of screen)
  4. Search for your organization in the search bar that says “find an organization to re-register” (not the one at the very top of the page)
  5. Then click re-register button next to your organization name

Register an organization Toggle Accordion

This is for organizations that have never registered before. Before attempting registration, Campus Life highly recommends that you have a meeting with Assistant Director for Campus Life – Elizabeth Netcher – [email protected]. This will ensure you know all aspects that are required of each newly registered organization so that your registration application is not rejected. We welcome new organizations so please don’t hesitate to ask if you are unsure what is needed, don’t know where to start, or how to gather some of the necessary elements.


Registering a new organization:

  1. Presumably, you have already met with Campus Life. You should already have all required elements. So you will first login to Engage.
  2. Once logged in you will click the organizations button
  3. Click register an organization button (on the left side of screen)
  4. Then scroll down (You will not be able to search for your organization in the list of re-registering organizations)
  5. Click the register button (again, towards the bottom of the screen)
  6. Then follow the instructions listed
Budget requests Toggle Accordion

Before you submit a budget request you need to make sure you or someone in your organization is familiar with the policies and processes that were discussed in the semester-ly Leadership Summit. If you, your treasurer, or a prominent member in your organization has not attended the summit you will not be able to submit a budget. Please also make sure you are familiar with the updated Student Senate Allocations guidelines because there have been significant changes.

Updating roster Toggle Accordion

Keeping your virtual roster up to date is important! This not only helps the Office of Campus Life contact members of your organization when needed, but it also allows you to send alerts and other updates to members without having to send individual emails!

Ending memberships:

If your organization is not new (meaning you did not register your organization this semester) then you most likely have older members still on your roster. It is up to you whether you want to remove them entirely or keep them listed. You have the ability to send messages and alerts to all listed members, so it is possible for these older members to get information that may not pertain to an alum member. However, a record of past members could also be useful. Again, this decision is up to the President and is recommended to be discussed with your Advisor.

In order to end memberships do the following:

  1. Once logged in click your organization profile
  2. Locate and click “roster”
  3. Locate the individual members you’d like to end memberships with
  4. Click the box next to their name to checkmark it
  5. Then click the “end membership” button to end those individual memberships

Adding New members:

If you are an established organization or a newly registered one, you are most likely going to be adding new members each semester, and possibly even at other times! It’s important to keep an updated roster so that you know who the active and involved members of your organization are. This also allows for an easier transition of leadership because that member will most likely already be on your organization’s page.

To add a new member (including Advisor if not already listed) via invitation do the following:

  1. Once logged in click your organization profile
  2. Locate and click “roster”
  3. Click “invite people” button towards the top
  4. Add the prospective member’s email address to the box. You are able to add multiple emails at once.
    1. This would be their address, we do not recommend personal emails, except from Advisors.
  5. Once done entering an email address click the “Add e-mail addresses” button
  6. This will give you a list of all email addresses entered below
  7. Review to make sure email addresses are correct
  8. If all the email addresses you are adding are just simple members you can then click “send invitations”, which will send simple membership invitations to each email address entered
    1. If you are adding a student with a leadership position or your advisor, make sure to change their invitation accordingly (change the “invite as…” box to the relevant title). It is recommended you add them separately from simple membership invitations to ensure you aren’t accidentally send a leadership position invitation to a non-elected prospective member.

To add a new member after they have requested membership:

Interested student can search for your organization on Engage and if they so choose they can request membership. It is recommended that you send a separate email to this prospective member to welcome them and let them know what your membership requirements are (oftentimes having to attend a certain number of meetings first). You can keep them in the “prospective” requests tab until they are considered full members and granted official membership.

Adding from prospective tab:

  1. Once logged in click your organization profile
  2. Locate and click “roster”
  3. Click the “tab” labeled “prospective” (it will often have a red circle with the amount of requests waiting)
  4. You can approve or deny prospective members within this tab according to your membership requirements (found in your constitution and/or by-laws).


We would also encourage leadership to periodically check the “pending” tab within this same roster area to make sure that any invitations you’ve sent out have been accepted or rejected by the invitee. We recommend that you either resend the invitation or contact the pending prospective member separately if the invitation has not been responded to in quite some time, in order to keep an accurate roster.


Updating leadership information Toggle Accordion

Just like an updated roster is important, so is updated leadership! Campus Life requires the information for Presidents and Treasurers, but we also encourage organizations to add their Advisors and other executive board members, as applicable.

Leadership positions for members:

We know that active members often take on many different roles in an organization throughout their time at Albion. You may need to only edit the leadership position a member has because they have been in a previous leadership position.

To edit a leadership position of a member:

Because each organization is unique, oftentimes so are their leadership positions! While Campus Life requires the positions of President and Treasurer, many organizations need more leadership or even an executive board to efficiently function. Because of this you may want to add leadership positions or titles that Engage does not currently have.

To edit the leadership positions available: