EIIA International Student Insurance Plan (CORE Only) Coverage dates are from August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025.

The EIIA Core International Student Accident and Health plan provides health insurance for non-U.S. citizens enrolling in U.S. institutions of higher learning like Albion College.

The Albion College Business Office will charge international students with F1, J1, F2, or J2 status with a student health insurance premium fee at the start of each semester, sufficient to cover the cost of the student’s enrollment in the college-approved health insurance plan for that semester.

F and J status students submitting proof of enrollment in an existing health insurance policy with coverage comparable or in excess of J1 Department of State insurance minimums shall be granted a waiver of the college-approved health insurance plan for that semester. The Business Office must review and approve any health insurance waivers before the tenth class day of each semester.

Non-US citizens who are not in F or J immigration status may opt into the Albion College approved insurance plan by contacting the Business Office before the tenth class day and paying the appropriate fee. Contact Amanda Ewers ([email protected]) for details.

Contact Amanda Ewers ([email protected]) in the Albion College Business Office (Ferguson Building, third floor) to submit an insurance waiver request, to opt into the insurance plan, or to pose other questions about the Albion College International Student Insurance plan. Insurance cards are available upon arrival at Albion College.