eSports vs Madden 23
eSports vs Madden 23
eSports vs Madden 23
eSports vs Hearthstone
Wrestling at NCAA Central Regional TBA
Men's Lacrosse at Oberlin College Oberlin, OH
Baseball vs Otterbein University
eSports vs Call of Duty: MW2
eSports vs League of Legends
Women's Track and Field at MIAA Indoor Championships Angola, IN
Men's Track and Field at MIAA Indoor Championships Angola, IN
Women's Lacrosse vs Madonna University (Mich.) Albion, MI
Baseball vs Wabash College
Softball vs Massachusetts Maritime Academy Myrtle Beach, SC
Softball vs Northern Vermont University-Lyndon Myrtle Beach, SC
Men's Tennis vs Moravian University Orlando, FL
Softball vs Northern Vermont University-Lyndon Myrtle Beach, SC
Softball vs University of Mary Washington Myrtle Beach, SC
Women's Lacrosse at Kenyon College Gambier, OH
Baseball vs University of Dubuque Auburndale, FL
eSports vs Smash Ultimate
eSports vs FIFA 23
Men's Tennis vs Saint Mary's University (Minn.) Orlando, FL
Softball vs Shawnee State University (Ohio) Myrtle Beach, SC
Baseball vs Wartburg College Auburndale, FL
Softball vs University of Mary Washington Myrtle Beach, SC
Men's Lacrosse at Rhodes College Memphis, TN
eSports vs NBA 2K23
Men's Tennis vs Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Orlando, FL
eSports vs Overwatch 2
Softball vs Shawnee State University (Ohio) Myrtle Beach, SC
Women's Tennis vs Saint Mary's University (Minn.) Orlando, FL
Softball vs Shawnee State University (Ohio) Myrtle Beach, SC
Baseball vs Moravian University Auburndale, FL
Baseball vs Moravian University Auburndale, FL
Women's Lacrosse vs University of Redlands Sewanee, TN
Save the date for our annual alumni/student networking event in Chicago on Thursday, March 2!
eSports vs Hearthstone
eSports vs Madden 23
eSports vs Apex Legends
Baseball vs Carthage College Auburndale, FL
Softball vs University of Pikeville Myrtle Beach, SC
Softball vs Northern Vermont University-Johnson Myrtle Beach, SC
eSports vs Call of Duty: MW2
eSports vs League of Legends
Equestrian vs Western Regionals Midland, MI
Women's Track and Field at UNC-Wilmington Wilmington, NC
Men's Track and Field at UNC-Wilmington Wilmington, NC
Softball vs Gettysburg College Myrtle Beach, SC
Baseball vs Chatham University Auburndale, FL
Softball vs Martin Luther College Myrtle Beach, SC
Men's Lacrosse vs University of Dubuque Memphis, TN