Explore the Center for Sustainability and the Environment
Connect with the Director
Thom Wilch
Faculty Director
Email Thom
Schedule a Campus Visit Submit Your Deposit Connect with CSE
Connect with the Director
Thom Wilch
Faculty Director
Email Thom
Schedule a Campus Visit Submit Your Deposit Connect with CSE
Be an environmental and social changemaker with the Center for Sustainability and the Environment!
As part of the Center for Sustainability and the Environment (CSE), you will join a passionate community to understand the challenges posed to our natural environment, and work collaboratively to find innovative and equitable solutions for sustainability on and off campus. Through your involvement, you will learn how to be an effective changemaker within your community and gain skills highly sought after by employers.
Staff in the CSE provide support for a variety of professional leadership, internship, and project-based learning opportunities.
CSE provided me with a breadth of hands-on experiences that became central to my time at Albion. I’ve had the opportunity to work on wild rice rehabilitation with Potawatomi tribe members, start my own research project on greenhouse gas emissions, and take on a leadership role at the College’s Sustainability Council. The process of creating a greenhouse gas inventory for the College has helped me understand how higher education is tackling its decarbonization goals.
Tanya Jagdish '22
Climate Change & Sustainability Services Consultant, Ernst & Young
Student Farm
The Albion College Student Farm, located on campus in the beautiful Whitehouse Nature Center, has a partnership with the Albion Community Gardens in offering food to the community of Albion. It consists of a 6,000-sq. ft. outdoor garden that includes a vegetable garden, raised beds, and a berry patch, and a 1,440-sq. ft. indoor growhouse. During the school year, work on the student farm is all volunteer-based. In the summer, CSE collaborates with the Americorps programs to hire five sustainability interns to operate the student farm and engage in other community sustainability initiatives.
Learn MoreExpectations
Students in the Center are expected to commit to a minimum of ten points of engagement (equal to ten hours) in environmental and sustainability activities each academic year, and will be asked to document and briefly reflect on their involvement at the end of each semester.
Engagement activities should have a natural world, environmental, or sustainability focus or connection and may include:
Engagement Activities
- Attendance at CSE events
- Employment with CSE or the Whitehouse Nature Center
- CSE-approved internship, or approved off-campus study program
- Albion’s innovation badges
- Leadership or participation in applied project
- Research or creative activity
- Service learning or service project
- Environmental field trip
- Green Day attendance or tabling
- Earth & Environment Club activities
- Leadership in another club that is aligned with CSE objectives
- Work at the student farm or Albion Community Gardens
- WNC events
- Career development events
- Attendance at other events posted on CSE’s calendar
- An experience (not on this list) that is approved by CSE staff