Albion College Fund

Where your gift makes it all possible.

Give Now

Scholarships. Campus Improvements. Faculty Support. Academic Programs. Your gift to the Albion College Fund directly affects the lives of our current and future students. The fund, which is supported by unrestricted gifts, allows Albion to use the money where it’s needed most. It’s how we purchase library books, support student research projects, and ensure our classrooms have the critical equipment necessary for optimal learning.

Annual scholarships keep our student body strong, allowing us to attract the most talented, smartest, hardest-working students. The Briton Scholarship Fund is an important component of the Albion College Fund. It provides annual scholarships to students who need financial support. Your gifts make a direct impact.

The Albion College Fund supports five areas of the College: Financial Aid/Scholarships, Faculty Resources, Student Services, Institutional Operations, and Academic Programs/Research. Each of these areas strengthens the College and adds value to an Albion degree.

To learn more about the Albion College Fund, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Parent Support

Did you know that tuition covers only 80 percent of the cost of an Albion College education?

Make a Gift to Support Your Child's Education

Parents enhance their child’s education through gifts to the Albion College Fund. The Albion College Fund has an immediate, tangible impact on campus life by facilitating a range of opportunities, including improved classroom facilities and student scholarships for those most in need.

Your gift, no matter the size, can make a difference in the life of an Albion College student.

It’s easy to make a tax-deductible donation to the Albion College Fund. Put your gift to work immediately by making a secure online gift to Albion College today.

Many parents also choose to purchase a commemorative brick in their student’s name.

To learn more about the Albion College Fund, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement online or by phone at 517-629-1835.

Make a Gift

With questions or to discuss a specific area of interest, contact Institutional Advancement at [email protected] or by phone at 517-629-1835.