
If you are experiencing an emergency, or you need help right away, call Campus Safety at 517-629-1234 or Albion Department of Public Safety at 911 or 517-629-3933.

To explore your options before reporting, see the list of confidential resources.


Survivors may want to reach out to someone they know and trust to help them understand what happened to them or what resources are available. It is important for survivors to know that most Albion College employees are required by law to report actual or suspected instances of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment to Campus Safety or the College’s Title IX Coordinator. This means that most College employees cannot maintain absolute confidentiality when a survivor shares about what happened to them. This requirement is in place in order to ensure that these instances are responded to in accordance with the law. The College uses the information that is reported to track the number of reported instances on campus and to facilitate the investigation of reports. Employees who are obligated to report will limit their disclosures to what is reasonably necessary to conduct a fair and thorough investigation and to appropriately address the allegation. The survivor will decide whether to pursue a formal complaint against the accused and whether to provide information to the College.

Because of this mandatory reporting obligation, survivors are encouraged to begin with a confidential resources at the College to help them explore their options. Confidential resources at the College include Counseling Services and Student Health Services. The College also encourages survivors of sexual assault to contact Sexual Assault Services of Calhoun County. For more information, see the list of available resources. For more information on filing a complaint, see reporting.