If you are experiencing an emergency, or you need help right away, call Campus Safety at 517/629-1234 or Albion Department of Public Safety at 911 or 517/629-3933.

To explore your options before reporting, see the list of confidential resources.

Reporting Options

Survivors have the right and are encouraged to report to local law enforcement and to the College, and the College will assist survivors in filing a criminal complaint as requested. Survivors may request changes in academic, living, transportation, and working situations whether or not they choose to submit a formal complaint about the incident to the College or to civil authorities. Requests should be made to the Vice President for Student Affairs or the College’s Title IX Coordinator. To explore your options before reporting, see the list of confidential resources.

On-Campus Reporting

On campus, survivors can file a complaint with Campus Safety or the College’s Title IX Coordinator. Complaints against a student are normally referred to a Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Hearing within the College’s Judicial Process. Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Hearing Officers who hear these cases are trained annually on issues related to these offenses and how to conduct a hearing process that protects the safety of survivors and promotes accountability. A student who violates the College’s standards for sexual conduct could be subjected to sanctions under the College judicial process even if they are not prosecuted in the criminal justice system for that conduct. More information about the Judicial Process can be found in the Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Handbook. Complaints against employees are processed under the Policies and Procedures for Addressing Complaints of Sexual Harassment.

  • Kelly Finn

    Assistant Vice President for Student Development

    Title IX Coordinator

    Office: Ferguson Hall 324
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 517/629-0195

Off-Campus Reporting

Off campus, survivors can choose to file a criminal complaint with a police agency or a civil lawsuit against an alleged perpetrator. If the assault occurred on campus or in town, the Albion Department of Public Safety (ADPS) is responsible for investigating the complaint. If the assault occurred somewhere else, ADPS can assist survivors in contacting the appropriate police agency to conduct the investigation.

  • Albion Department of Public Safety

    Office: 112 W. Cass St.
    Phone: 517-629-3922 or 911

More Information

Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Handbook 2019 - 2020