Additional Resources


Often the resume is the first piece of information that an employer sees about you. It is of utmost importance to make your resume professional and communicate your intended message. We can help you demystify the process!

See the articles below for helpful information. Seeking help with your résumé? Schedule an appointment with the Career Development Office.

Cover Letters

Cover letters are your face to potential employers. This is the first document they see – even before your résumé! It is important to be clear and concise about your qualifications and your interest in the position you are seeking. Sell yourself!

Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter Toggle Accordion

Cover letters can be a powerful way to add a compelling narrative about your skills to your job application, but like all things career-related, they need to be done effectively.

A cover letter should never be an afterthought. The goal is for your cover letter to enhance your chances of getting an interview, but when done incorrectly, they have the exact opposite effect!

A Cover Letter... What's That? Toggle Accordion

A cover letter is your face to the company. It is addressed to a person at the company when possible and always accompanies your résumé. It is an opportunity to let your potential employer know more about you than just what is on the résumé.

Use the cover letter to express yourself, your passion for working at the company, and as an example of your writing skills. You want to reflect on how your skills and experiences match the needs and interests of your potential employer, as well as the requirements for the position. Always send a cover letter with your résumé – even if the job description does not specifically say to.

Things to keep in mind as you write a cover letter:

  • Research the company of interest. Find out about the services offered and the logistics of the job so that you can tailor your letter to that position and company.
  • Focus on what you can do for the employer, not how this job will benefit you as an employee. What makes you stand out from other applicants?
  • The desired length of a cover letter should be one page. You may consider using the same heading on your cover letter as you did on your resume for consistency and style. This can help you stand out in the crowd.
  • Font size should be 10-12 point in Arial or Times New Roman font type consistent with style used on your résumé.
  • Salary Requirements: Visit the Career and Internship Center to review nationwide average salary data for new graduates if you are asked to include this in your cover letter.
  • Print your cover letter on the same bond paper that you used for your résumé.
  • Don’t forget to sign your name at the end. Make sure to use either blue or black ink.
  • Neatness counts! Proof well for typing or grammar errors and use only clean copies of your cover letter.

The staff in the Career and Internship Center are happy to provide assistance as you develop your cover letter and provide critical review as needed. Contact us!

Types of Cover Letters Toggle Accordion

In the course of your job search, you will write two basic types of letters to seek out employment opportunities: letters of application and letters of inquiry.

Letters of Application:

This type of letter is written in response to a specific, advertised job opening. Your purpose is to spur employers to read your resume and set up a job interview. In order to be successful, you must demonstrate that your qualifications match the requirements of the position. If possible, get a copy of the position description and study it carefully. Your letter should be organized as follows:

  • Identify the position for which you are applying and state how you learned about it.
  • Describe your qualifications as they relate to the position requirements, providing evidence of your related experiences and accomplishments.
  • Convince the employer that you have the personal qualifications and motivation to perform well in the position.
  • Indicate your availability for an interview.

Letters of Inquiry:

This letter is written to seek out possible openings and generate, if not a job interview, at least an initial informal interview. Since many positions are not widely advertised, a letter of inquiry is used to familiarize the employer with your qualifications so they will remember you when a position opens. Its structure is similar to the letter of application; but instead of addressing specific position requirements, it focuses on your qualifications and interests in broader, more general terms. Like the letter of application, it will be most effective if it reflects a knowledge of the organization and communicates what you can do to contribute to organizational needs and goals. This type of letter should be organized as follows:

  • Ask for consideration for any existing or anticipated openings suited to your qualifications.
  • State why you are attracted to the organization and indicate the area of the organization that interests you or the type of position you are seeking.
  • Highlight your qualifications as they relate to your stated interest.

Ask for the opportunity to meet with someone to further discuss your interests and qualifications.

Tips to Writing a Cover Letter Toggle Accordion

General Tips as you Start

Finding employment is, in large part, a function of effective communication. The success of your job search will hinge on your ability to present yourself professionally and demonstrate your value as a prospective employee. You must convince employers that you have something to offer if you are to receive further consideration. Employers are seeking to hire persons whose interests and abilities most closely match requirements of the job. A good fit between an individual’s personality, values and philosophy and the organization’s culture is also highly desirable.

Producing a Professional Letter

Just as with your resume, your letters should be error free and visually appealing. Although you may be able to send the same resume to a variety of different organizations, each letter you send should be carefully tailored to the situation and the employer being addressed. Never send a form letter.

Employers will view your letter as an indication of your written communication skills, so keep it formal, businesslike, and concise. One page should be sufficient and it should be in print that is sharp and easy to read. Do not use unusual fonts.

Whenever possible, address your letter to a specific person. This may require you to call the organization and ask to whom you should address your cover letter. Last, but not least, proofread carefully. Typos, spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors will prevent you from receiving serious consideration.

Final Tips

  • Write to a specific person.
  • Present your message clearly, concisely, and honestly with consideration for your reader. Desirable length is usually one page.
  • Give specific and pertinent information relative to the position you seek. Generalities are not only confusing, but they imply you are trying to conceal a weakness. Include enough facts to be convincing.
  • Be yourself and be positive. Personnel executives easily recognize letters copied from textbooks, written by employment agencies, or sent out in mass.
  • Make the appearance attractive. Use a standard business letter format and 8 1/2 x 11″ bond paper. White, ivory, and light gray colors are desirable. Type the letter with proper margins, indentation and spacing.
  • Proofread your letter. Is it interesting and persuasive? Does it include important aspects of your college experience, a bit of your personality, and all pertinent qualifications and skills? Are the punctuation, grammar, and spelling correct?
  • Drop off a draft, or make an appointment with a Career and Internship Center staff member for an objective critique of your letter.

Write a Cover Letter Toggle Accordion

All the time and effort you put into producing a professional/polished résumé should be complemented with a well constructed cover letter. When receiving a letter and résumé, most employers will read the letter first. This means that if you want an employer to give your resume serious consideration, you have to sell yourself in your letter.

Writing effective letters takes considerable thought and effort. You must reflect not only on your personal objectives, but also on the needs and interests of your reader and the requirements of the situation. Ideally your letters should flow from and be linked to the following career development activities:

  • Assessing your abilities, interests, values and motivations
  • Researching and evaluating occupations and employers
  • Defining your work objectives and career goals
  • Writing a professional resume
  • Planning and implementing your job search campaign
  • Interviewing for job opportunities
  • Choosing appropriate employment

Even though letter writing most directly supports the last three tasks, it is important to place this activity in the broader context of career planning and your job search. Should you find yourself struggling with your letters, it may be because you have failed to devote the necessary attention to assessing your strengths, researching occupations and employers, and defining your work objectives and career goals.

Cover Letter Format Outline Toggle Accordion

Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


Name of Individual
Title of Individual
Name of Organization
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Ms. / Mr. / Dr.________:

Opening Paragraph: Attract attention. Clearly state the reason for writing; name the position or type of work you are applying for. Identify how you heard about the opening, or how the employer’s name was obtained (i.e., Albion College Career and Internship Center; Professor Smith in the English Department at Albion College; etc.). Introduce your themes.

Second and Third Paragraphs: Outline your strongest qualifications that match the position requirements based on the themes you selected. As much as possible, provide evidence of your related experiences and accomplishments. Describe what you can do for the employer, rather than what they can do for you. Point out your specific achievements and unique qualifications that are relevant to the position. Try not to state information using the same words you used in the resume.

Fourth Paragraph: Suggest an action plan. Make reference to your enclosed resume and restate your interest by indicating your availability for a personal interview. Either suggest a time or state your willingness to come at the convenience of the individual employer.

Fifth Paragraph: Express appreciation to the reader for his or her time and consideration.



Full Name


Sample Cover Letters Toggle Accordion

March 20, 2007

Ms. Nancy Edoff
Human Resources
1461 E. Twelve Mile Rd.
Madison Heights, MI 48071

Dear Ms. Nancy Edoff:

I am writing to apply for the Development Assistant position at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital advertised on the Albion College eRecruiting website. I am highly interested in working in the nonprofit sector, and believe my event planning, fundraising, and communication skills match what you are looking for in a candidate.

In addition to my Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication, I have been an events planning intern at the XYZ Women’s Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. My experience at XYZ taught me how to work with vendors, design promotional materials, and organize all aspects of events. I played a major role in organizing the yearly Walk for Women event, from contributing creative ideas to calling contacts and organizing events. This experience makes me well suited to execute development events for St. Jude.

My fundraising experiences also make me well qualified for this position. In addition to learning about the field of development while volunteering at three local nonprofit organizations, I have been the philanthropy chair for my sorority. This year my sorority raised money for a local women’s shelter. My creativity and knowledge helped me to create a fundraising campaign that has brought the most money to the shelter in years. Since fundraising is a significant part of the Development Assistant job, I would be well equipped to continue St. Jude’s fundraising success.

Finally, my communication skills will help me make a contribution to the St. Jude team. As a student assistant in the Albion College Communications Office, I wrote press releases everyday. These skills will allow me to clearly convey to potential donors the importance of supporting St. Jude.

I have enjoyed the nonprofit work I have done and find that it energizes me. I would like to bring my event planning, fundraising, and communication skills to the St. Jude Children’s Research team as the Development Assistant. Enclosed is my resume for your review and I am available at your convenience for an interview.

Thank you for your time in reviewing my materials. I look forward to speaking with you.


Mary A. Albion

Make Your Cover Letter Count in a Competitive Job Market Toggle Accordion

Today’s primary modes of communication are e-mail, text messages, and web pages. The job search process is no different. Most job searches are done on the Internet, and job seekers e-mail their resumes or complete online applications.

Given these facts: Are cover letters still necessary?

While the answer varies, the majority of human resource representatives and recruiters say yes. Done the right way, a cover letter can capture the second glance needed in a competitive job market.

There are two tips for crafting a catchy cover letter: follow the formula and personalize it.

Tip #1: Follow the formula

Cover letters contain four components with one essential question answered in each.

Paragraph One – Introduction

Who are you and why are you writing?

Paragraph Two – Highlight of Qualifications

How has your education, previous employment, or other experiences repared you for the position?

Paragraph Three – Connection to the Company

Why is this company or job a good fit for you?

Paragraph Four – Closing Statement

How interested are you and where can you be reached for an interview?

Tip #2: Personalize it

Paragraphs one and four follow standard formats. The opportunity for your application to connect with a recruiter is in paragraphs two and three.

Paragraph Two: Draw attention to yourself

When you read the job description and you declared, “I’m perfect for this job!” Tell the recruiter why. Is it because of a particular course you studied? Did you complete an internship that allowed you to perform similar duties and responsibilities? Were you able to develop a skill set through a part-time job or campus activity that is applicable to this position?

Make the connection between your past and this job. Don’t repeat your resume, but rather make reference to items on it that you especially want the recruiter to be aware of.

Paragraph Three: “Professional Flattery”

Your job search will reveal many positions for which you are qualified, but not all of them are of interest. What makes this position or company different? Pinpoint specifics about the job description that catch your eye. Research the organization. If the company product or workplace philosophy is appealing, tell the recruiter why.

Avoid empty compliments. Recruiters can spot meaningless sweet talk a mile away.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Applicants sometimes forget professionalism, and even common sense, when it comes to e-mailing and the job search. If your e-mail contains any of the following, hit the delete button.

  • A risqué e-mail address. Use a basic e-mail address comprised of your name, initials, or something similar. Save [email protected] or [email protected] for corresponding with friends.
  • Greeting the recruiter by their first name. If you know the recruiter’s name, don’t forget that Mr. or Ms. is still necessary. Just because Ms. Jane Doe lists her first name doesn’t mean you can call her Jane.
  • A salutation that doesn’t begin with “Dear.” This is a business letter. Beginning the correspondence with “Greetings,” “Hello,” or “Hi There!” is not acceptable.
  • Emoticons. 😎 🙁 😉 Emoticons are used to convey attitudes or emotions, both of which are irrelevant in a cover letter.
  • Acronyms. LOL, COB, FAQs. As with emoticons, acronyms have no place in job-search correspondence, unless they are standard acronyms, such as that used for a company or association. For example: NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) is appropriate. “The 411 about NACE is very positive” is not.

by Kelli Robinson


Beyond the facts of your experience, the interview showcases your personality and demonstrates how you will fit in. As with most things, preparation and practice will help you be comfortable on that big day. We can help you prepare!

See the articles below for helpful information. Interested in a mock interview? Schedule an appointment with the Career and Internship Center.

Big Interview Toggle Accordion

We are pleased to offer you a free training system that features a new and innovative way to help you prepare more effectively for a job interview.

Big Interview is an online system that combines training AND practice to help improve your interview technique and build your confidence.

You have at your disposal a variety of tools including:

  • Challenging, virtual mock interviews for all experience levels and dozens of industries
  • A database of thousands of interview questions with tips on how to answer them
  • The ability to rate and share your interview answers for feedback
  • A comprehensive video training curriculum covering all aspects of landing a job
  • A step-by-step interview Answer Builder for crafting answers to behavioral questions

How to Register

Here is the info to set up your Big Interview account:

Go to the Big Interview website.
Complete registration process, be sure to use your email address.
You’ll then receive a confirmation email. Follow the link in that email to start using Big Interview.

Preparing for an Interview Toggle Accordion

The interview is your chance to meet potential employers or graduate school colleagues and to expand upon the information highlighted in your résumé and application materials. It is also the chance to learn first hand and in detail about positions and organizations in your field of interest.

Think of the interview as the opportunity to exchange information, not a one-way monologue in which your role is to only answer questions asked.

Although interviewing time lines and processes vary according to your field or the organization, there are many standard aspects of interviewing. These include:

  • Interacting with employers before and after the interview
  • Preparing for the interview
  • Tips on the interview itself

The Career and Internship Center is available to assist you as you prepare for an interview. Preparation and practice are key in acing your interview!

Types of Interviews Toggle Accordion

The interview provides a potential employer insight into who you are and how well you will fit into the company.  It also provides you with the opportunity to assess the work environment and people you will potentially call colleagues. This is true whether an interview for a job or for graduate school.

Always prepare for an interview. Know as much as possible about the mission and work of the company or program. You also need to know the role you would assume and prepare for questions about your skills and abilities as fit the role.

There are two basic types of interviews – in-person and over the phone.  Each requires preparation.

In-person interviews

  • One-on-one interviews – You will meet with one person at a time. If you have several individual interviews, know that those you talk with will confir after you leave.
  • Committee interview – You will be interviewed by several individuals at the same time. This can be intimidating. Be confident in your preparation and make eye contact with each person as you respond to questions.

Telephone interviews

At some point in your job search, you may be invited to participate in a telephone interview. This type of interview is often used when considerations of time and distance preclude a face-to-face meeting. Telephone interviews are generally used only for screening purposes, but they must be taken seriously as they lead to the next step – the all important on-site interview.

For those who are accustomed to meeting with employers in person, the phone interview poses unique challenges. By anticipating some of these challenges, you can better prepare to deal with them. Through planning, certain aspects of the interview format can be used to your advantage.

Focus on the Conversation

You will probably notice that phone interviews tend to be a bit more businesslike than face-to-face meetings. Less time will be spent breaking the ice with informal conversation. Don’t take it personally. If you are subsequently invited for a site visit, you can be assured that the interviewer will spend much more time getting to know you. Yet, you should look at the phone interview as an exchange, where you have the opportunity to educate the interviewer about your relevant background and experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask questions throughout the conversation. But, be careful not to dominate the entire interview.

Creative Visualization

Another characteristic of phone interviews is the lack of nonverbal feedback from the interviewer. When two people meet in person, it is possible for each of them to listen silently while conveying interest in the information that is being shared. By smiling, leaning forward, or nodding his or her head, the listener can provide support and encouragement to the person who is speaking. In a phone interview, it is impossible to provide this type of feedback. Therefore, the candidate must learn to live without it.

One approach that can be effective is to engage in a bit of “creative visualization.” Since you can’t see the interviewe, why not picture her/him sitting on the edge of her/his seat, smiling and nodding in approval? This type of image can make periods of silence seem much shorter and less threatening.

Use Gestures

The inability to engage in nonverbal communication can place limitations on you, as a candidate. Your words will be more important than ever, since the interviewer will be focusing on what you are saying rather than on how you are saying it. Pay close attention to the content of your speech.

This is not to say that gestures should not be used. While the interviewer will not benefit from your nonverbal behavior, you will. Although gestures are used primarily for purposes of communication, they also provide the speaker with a means by which to release nervous energy. You may feel a little bit silly, sitting alone in a room and waving your hands around, but it’s better than a quivering voice.

Be Comfortable

You are the only one who ever has to know what you look like during the interview. In fact, this can be one of the biggest advantages of the phone interview. Employers who meet face-to-face with candidates often form their overall impressions during the first two or three minutes of the interview, and appearances often contribute significantly to the impression that is formed. Telephone interviews can have an equalizing effect that benefits the majority of candidates. Imagine being able to interview in your sweats! Take advantage of the opportunity to dress in your most comfortable clothing. It will help you to feel more relaxed and to perform better in your interview.

Use Notes

Another benefit of remaining unseen during your interview is that you can keep notes in front of you, to make sure that you don’t overlook any important points in your discussion. At least a day or two before the interview, write down a list of topics that are likely to be raised. Once you have generated a complete list, write up a separate note card for each topic, with related information about your education, experience, and philosophy. You will also want to note any questions that you might have which relate to various aspects of the position and the organization. Also be sure to have a pen and paper handy during the interview, so that you can take notes. Don’t forget to write down the name and title of the interviewer!

Prevent Interruptions

As the interview time approaches, make sure that you have done all that you can to prevent interruptions. If you have a choice in scheduling the interview, try to pick a time when external demands on you are low, but when your energy level is high. Get a good night’s sleep beforehand, to make sure that you will be alert at the time of the interview.

Write a Thank-You Letter

Immediately after the interview, review your notes. Make sure all the information that you have written down is clear and complete. Fill in any gaps while the information is still fresh in your mind. Within 24 hours, sit down and write a thank-you letter, just as you would after most interviews. As you write your letter, refer to the material in your notes. Relate your interest in the position to the concerns of the employer, as expressed in the interview, and provide any additional information requested by the interviewer.

A Word About Conference Calls and Speaker Phones

One of the most obvious disadvantages of phone interviews is the possibility of technical difficulties. Telephone interviews may be conducted as conference calls, with several interviewers on the line simultaneously. Depending upon the interviewers’ level of familiarity with the phone system, there may be a bit of fumbling before the questioning begins. Don’t let it throw you. Stay calm and focus on the content of your discussion.

It is possible that the interview team will use a speaker phone, in which case, you may experience difficulty in hearing some of the questions that are raised. Don’t be afraid to ask an interviewer to repeat a question. It is easier than bluffing, and invariably produces better results.

With preparation and planning, you can excel at the art of phone interviewing. The next step is to prepare for the on-site interview!

How to Ace an Interview Toggle Accordion

Don’t forget to prepare for one of the most vital pieces of your application – whether for an internship, graduate school, or job. This is your chance to show your professionalism, interest in the position, and answer questions that may arise from your other application materials. Preparation for an interview is vital!

The Career and Internship Center is available to assist you in preparing for an interview. Mock interviews allow you to think on your feet as you face questions, see your body language, and consider annoying habits before you face the interview. Contact us for an appointment.

Get the answers to ace the interview

What format will the interview take?

When scheduling interviews with employers or graduate programs, ask them about the format.

  • Will this be a screening interview, or a more in-depth selection interview?
  • How many people will you be interviewing with, and what is their role/position in the organization?
  • What will your schedule be? For instance, will you need to give a presentation, take a test, or complete group exercises?
  • Will there be a social event or a meal?

Knowing the general schedule and format will help you prepare appropriately and approach the interview with confidence.

NOTE: Another point you may wish to clarify is if the employer has a reimbursement policy for travel and lodging, particularly if for a job. Depending on the industry and the distance being traveled, it may or may not be common practice to reimburse job applicants. If the organization does reimburse, you will want to know their specific procedure: will they make travel arrangements and contact you? Should you make arrangements and provide receipts? Once these details and arrangements are made, you may begin focusing on interview strategies.

What strengths and skills should I highlight in the interview?

Once you have been granted an interview, it is time to reflect on your past experiences and how they relate to the position for which you are applying. Write down key points or related experiences to assist you in conveying what you believe is important to your prospective employer or graduate program.

  • How do your background, interests, and skills relate to the position?
  • List similarities between your education, work epxerience, and co-curricular activities and the opportunity you are interviewing for.
  • Consider your work style, motivation, energy level, personality, and goals. How will these match to the organization/school and position?
  • What transferable skills can you highlight? Think broadly about your experiences and how the skills gained will benefit you in the graduate program or job.

The following is a partial list of skills you may want to consider showcasing in the interview. It isn’t necessary to have previous experience in all these areas, but it is likely ordinary, everyday situations have provided you with experiences that reinforce these skills. If possible, have specific examples prepared for each skill you wish to demonstrate:

  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Organization
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Leadership
  • Public Speaking
  • Supervision
  • Motivating
  • Negotiating
  • Technical skills (e.g. computer, math)

The staff in the Career and Internship Center are able to assist you in assessing your skills and connecting them to positions. Contact us!

What information should I research before the interview?

In addition to knowing what you would like to communicate about yourself, it is also important to know about the position, organization, industry, graduate school, or specific graduate program.

If you are seeking a place in a graduate program

  • What are the research interests of the faculty?
  • How many graduate students are accepted into the program?
  • What is the community environment and how might you contribute?

If you are seeking a job

  • What is the job description and job responsibilities?
  • What training opportunities are available?
  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What are the products and services created byt the company?

Information may be obtained through a variety of means. The internet provides a wealth of information on companies and schools. In addition to the internet, information may be obtained from newspapers, trade magazines, academic literature review, and the Career Resource Library.

The Career and Internship Center is available to assist you as you research information on your next step.

Is it important to practice for an interview?

Creating a great first impression is key in your interview.

Arrive a few minutes early for your interview. Check in with the receptionist or designated employee and find the appropriate waiting area. If it is an on-site interview, take time to observe the organizational environment to provide you with insights not found in your research.


The interviewer will typically greet you and initiate introductions. The impressions you make in the first few minutes are very important. In addition to what you say, the interviewer will note your appearance, dress, and non-verbal expressions and gestures. Dress in professional attire appropriate to the organization. By dressing on the conservative side, you may be assured that your image will communicate professionalism.

The Actual Interview: Showcasing Your Qualifications

After testing and refining your answers to practice questions, you should be prepared for the actual interview. Highlighting your skills as they relate to the organization’s position should be your main objective.

Questions may be asked in a variety of ways. Some interviewers may primarily ask structured questions, such as, “What three things are important for you to have in a position?” Others may ask more open-ended questions like, “Tell me about yourself.” You should be prepared to answer both types of questions.

Be careful to answer in compete sentences and do not use unnecessary jargan. As in dress, err on the side of more formal responses over colloquial language.

If you’ve done your research and practiced your responses, relax! You will let your personality and skills shine if you are able to take comfort in your preparation.

Are there questions I do not have to answer?

The situation may occur in which the interviewer asks you a question that does not seem job related. For example, “Do you plan to marry in the near future?” The interviewer may not intentionally be delving into your personal life, but may have some concerns about your commitment to the organization or program.

If asked illegal questions you have the option of answering the question, realizing you are giving information that is not job related; refusing to answer the question, and risk being viewed as an uncooperative candidate; or considering the intent behind the question and answering in a manner related to the job you are applying for.

For example, you may respond by stating “If you are concerned about my ability to travel, please know that I am aware that this position requires extensive travel, and I am looking forward to that aspect of the job.”

Should this type of question arise, seek clarification and answer in a way you feel most comfortable. The Career and Internship Center staff can also assist you in identifying and responding to illegal questions.

The salary question if applying for a job

At some point during the interview, you may be asked about your salary requirements. This is not an illegal question, but can raise anxiety. While you may be prepared to provide a range, it is desirable to wait and discuss a specific salary when you have received a job offer. At that point, you will be in the strongest position to negotiate.

When salary discussions occur, rely on your previous research regarding typical salaries for your field and geographic cost of living information.

Should I ask questions?

At some point during the interview, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. This is your chance to learn what you need to know in order to make an informed decision. Always be prepared to ask thoughtful questions.

Your questions demonstrate to the employer that you have a general interest in the organization/position. They also allow the interviewer to gain new insights about you and to understand your priorities as they relate to your career.

The questions you ask should help you clarify what you researched, or should be asked to discover information not found in the literature. Avoid inappropriate questions, particularly those related to salary and benefit packages.

The Career and Internship Center has resources to assist you in formulating questions you might want to ask – we are happy to assist!

Is there anything I need to do as I finish the interview?

As the interview draws to a close, you and the interviewer will want to discuss the next steps in the selection process, such as their time line for making a decision; whether it is necessary for you to provide any supporting documents (transcripts, recommendations); and when and how you will be contacted.

It is important that you leave the interviewer with a lasting, positive impression of yourself. Ask the interviewer for a business card so you will have accurate information for writing a thank you letter and also for your records, should you need to initiate contact. Thank the interviewer for his or her time and maintain your positive, professional demeanor as you exit.

Finishing Touches

Make notes after the interview to remind yourself of your conversation with the employer. Record the interviewer’s name, position, address, telephone number, key points discussed during the interview, and the next steps you plan to take.

Thank You Letter

A typed, brief thank you letter should be sent to the interviewer(s) within 24-48 hours after the interview. Extend your professional image by using a cordial rather than familiar tone. This is another opportunity to reiterate your interest in the organization/position and highlight how your background matches the requirements of the position. Be sure to use high quality paper and to proofread and edit carefully.

Reflect and Learn

Learn from your interview. Review and evaluate it. What went well and what was uncomfortable? What different strategies would you employ for future interviews? Effective interviewing is the result of preparation and research before the interview, professionalism during the interview, and taking the necessary steps after the interview.

Finding a position that matches your interests and career goals may take some time. As employers learn more about you in an interview, you will be learning more about your field and the types of positions which exist. Through this process, you can explore positions of interest to you and accept an offer which furthers your career goals.

What Are Mock Interviews? Toggle Accordion

To develop a confident interview style, you may wish to practice in a “risk-free” atmosphere. A mock interview in the Career and Internship Center serves to help you recognize areas in which you excel as well as areas of improvement that would enhance your interview style.

All appointments are videotaped. After a 10-15 minute interview, you and your mock interviewer will review the tape and discuss your performance. You will receive a suggestion form after your interview with notes on potential strategies for improvement. The entire appointment typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.

It is a good idea to prepare for your mock interview in advance. Reading literature on interview techniques and reviewing potential questions will be helpful.

To schedule a mock interview:

  • Contact the Career and Internship Center Office identifying your career interest or position for which you are applying.
  • Bring a résumé to the interview.
  • Dress and groom as you will for the actual interview – we will provide feedback to assure you of the right look.
  • If you would like to keep a videotape of your mock interview, bring a tape.

We look forward to working with you!

What to Do and Not Do in an Interview Toggle Accordion

Sometimes all of us need a reminder of how to behave in what could be a stressful situation.


  • Research the company and specific position ahead of time.
  • Get a good night’s sleep before the interview so you will be mentally alert.
  • Leave plenty of time to get to the interview, you should arrive 10-15 minutes early.Never arrive late!
  • Dress properly and appear well groomed.
  • Express enthusiasm.
  • Remember and correctly pronounce the names of the people you meet.
  • Sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and show sincere and polite interest in the position and interviewer.
  • Listen carefully to interview questions and answer completely.
  • Sell your qualifications rather than your need for a job.
  • Ask questions during the interview.
  • Bring additional copies of your resume and list of references.
  • Follow-up the interview with a thank you letter.


  • Bring others to the interview.
  • Interrupt the interviewer.
  • Ask questions about salary and benefits.
  • Criticize former employers, co-workers, applicants, organizations.
  • Chew gum.

The best way to be sure you are prepared for an interview is to do a mock interview in the Career and Internship Center or with faculty specific to the area you are interviewing for. Treat a mock interview as the real thing – dress and all!

Possible Interview Questions Toggle Accordion

Following are a list of questions commonly asked by potential employers. Review this list and pre-plan possible responses. This will help you feel at ease during the interview.

General Questions

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What school activities have you participated in? Why?
  • If you have not been active on campus, why not?
  • Have you held any leadership roles? If so, what were they and what did you learn from these experiences?
  • Why/how did you choose Albion College?
  • What is your major? Why/how did you choose that major? If you were to start over, would you choose it again? Why/why not?
  • What were you favorite/least favorite classes? Why?
  • Do you feel you have done the best scholastic work you are capable of? Why/why not?
  • What is the single most important statement you would make about your experiences at Albion College?
  • What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses? What are you doing to improve any weaknesses?
  • What personal characteristics do you think are necessary for success in this field?
  • How do you work under pressure? Can you give me an example?
  • Give me an example of when you worked as a team leader/player.
  • What is the toughest group you’ve had to get cooperation from?
  • Tell me about your past work experiences. What did you like most and least about these jobs?
  • Have you ever been a member of a group where members did not get along or work well together? What did you learn from this experience?
  • What interests you about this position/organization?
  • Describe a situation that required you to do many things at once. How did you handle this?
  • What are two or three things that are most important for you to have in a job/position?
  • Describe a major problem you’ve encountered. How did you handle this?
  • Describe a project or idea you initiated.
  • Describe an unpopular decision you made. What was the result?
  • What do you consider to be your most significant accomplishment? Why?
  • Describe the relationship you think should exist between a supervisor and supervisee.
  • What type of work environment do you prefer?
  • What do you know about this organization?
  • Tell me about something creative you’ve done in a past job.
  • If you were hiring someone for this position, what qualities would you look for in a candidate?
  • Why should we hire you?

Questions commonly asked of teacher candidates

  • What is your philosophy of education?
  • What issues in education are of greatest concern to you? Why?
  • Describe the role of the teacher in the learning process.
  • What is the role of the teacher in the community?
  • How would you individualize instruction in your classroom?
  • Why do you want to teach?
  • What special abilities do you have that would benefit your students?
  • What prompted you to go into the field of education?
  • Describe your grading style. Do you grade on ability or effort? Why?
  • Tell me about your student teaching experience.
  • How do you feel about observations by supervisors or principals?
  • Are you interested in working with students in extracurricular activities? Why/why not? Which activities?
  • What subject areas most interest you?
  • How do you think children learn?
  • What magazines, periodicals, books have you read recently related to education?
  • What is your philosophy of classroom management? Give me an example of how you handled a discipline problem during your student teaching.
  • What are your thoughts on teaching a split grade?
  • Give me an example of a time where you contributed to a project.
  • What did you find most beneficial in your student teaching experience?

Sample Questions You Might Ask an Interviewer Toggle Accordion

Asking questions of your interviewer is the simplest way of showing knowledge about the position and an interest in the company. Don’t interrupt with questions but be prepared when given the opportunity.

Sample questions you might ask a potential employer

  • What is a typical day like?
  • What personal qualities/characteristics are most important for success in this position/organization?
  • What working relationships will I have with others in the organization?
  • How often will my performance be evaluated? How will I be evaluated?
  • What are the prospects for future growth and expansion of this company?
  • What are the major changes that this organization wishes to bring about?
  • What training opportunities are available to better prepare employees for their position or for advancement?
  • What is the company’s management philosophy?
  • Has this organization hired Albion graduates in the past? If so, what is their success record?
  • What will be expected of me as a new employee?
  • What has been your career path with this company?

If interviewing for a teaching position

  • What is the average class size?
  • What auxiliary services are offered to the student? To the teacher?
  • Describe the economic/cultural mix of students in your district.
  • Does the community support the school district? How?
  • What type of support does the administration provide for teachers?

Addressing Illegal Questions Toggle Accordion

Various federal, state, and local laws regulate the questions a prospective employer can ask you. Questions must relate to the job for which you are applying!

You have options if you are asked an illegal question

  • Choose to answer the question knowing you are providing information that isn’t job related. You take the risk that a “wrong” answer could harm your chances for a position.
  • Refust to answer the question. You will be within your rights, but you may come off as uncooperative or confrontational which could put off potential employers.
  • Examine the intent behind the question and respond with an answer to this. For example, if you are asked if you are married or engaged, you might choose to respond that your personal life allows you to meet all the requirements for the position.

Questions that might be asked – illegally and legally

National Origin / Citizenship

Employers are allowed to ask if you are authorized to work in the US. They are not allowed to ask if you are a US citizen, were born in the US, or your native language.


Employers are allowed to ask if you are over the age of 18. They are not allowed to ask how old you are, your birthdate, or the year your graduated from college if it isn’t on your résumé.

Marital / Family Status

Employers need to know if you are able to perform the requirements of the job – including working overtime, relocating, or traveling if necessary. These questions should be asked directly. They are not allowed to ask about your marital status, children, or daycare arrangements so they can make assumptions if you are able to meet these requirements.


The social organizations or clubs you belong to are personal. The employer may aks if your membership in any organization might be relevant to your ability to perform the job.


Your height and weight is personal. The employer’s right is restricted to knowing if you can fulfill the physical requirements of the position (e.g., lifting a 50-pound weight).


Employers are not allowed to ask if you are disabled or for your, or your family’s, medical history. They may ask if you are able to perform the essential functions of the job and even request you demonstrate job-related functions. Once hired, companies are allowed to have you undergo a physical examination. Results are confidential with the exception that medical/safety personnel may be notified of conditions which could require medical treatment and supervisors regarding the needed accommodations.

For more information on when and how to disclose a disability, check out The National Organization on Disability and National Mental Health Center.

Arrest Record

Employers are not allowed to ask if you have been arrested but may ask if you been convicted of a crime that is resonably related to the performance of the job.


Employers are not allowed to ask if you were honorably discharged from the military. They must limit their questions to the branch of service or training and education received during your time in the military.

The Behavioral-Based Interview Toggle Accordion

Today, Behavioral-Based Interviewing (BBI) is the most commonly used campus interviewing technique. Corporate recruiters spend anywhere from half a day to two days learning to ask questions based on the BBI method. For you, acing the BBI is a matter of planning and understanding what recruiters are looking for.

Why BBI?

It’s simple. The best predictor of future behavior is recent past behavior. For example, you have a friend who is always late to class. What’s the likelihood that she’ll be late to class tomorrow?

That’s the principle of BBI. Interviewers want to get a picture of how you have behaved (recently) in a situation because it will help them determine how you’ll most likely behave in that same situation on the job.

What kinds of questions will be asked?

Questions will always be asked in the past tense. For example:

  • Tell me about a time that you…
  • Think back on a situation where you…
  • Play a little movie in your mind and remember a time when you…

How should I respond?

Let’s say that I asked you to tell me about a time when you were a part of a difficult team and what you did to get the team back on track. Corporate recruiters want your answers to include the following:

  • Situation: Explain the situation. Was it a class team? What was the project? What was difficult about the team?
  • Action: What did YOU do to pull the team together? What specific action did you take? Keep in mind that recruiters want to know what “you” did. Not, what “we” did or “they” did. Talk about your role in the situation.
  • Outcome: Discuss the outcome of the project or team. Did the team succeed? How did you know the team was successful?
  • Learning: Sometimes you’ll be asked to think back on an example when you weren’t successful (or when you failed at something). If the recruiter doesn’t ask you what you learned and how you modified your behavior, be sure that you add this information to your answer. Again, be specific about exactly what you learned and how you’ve incorporated this learning into your daily routine.

Whenever possible, use examples from your internship, class work, professional association, or other work/degree-related experiences. Before going to an interview, stop and think of some of your most important milestones: projects, grades, presentations, work experiences that make you most proud. Build your examples around these when answering questions. Always use your best examples and concisely tell the story to the recruiter.

Caution: Corporate recruiters spend hours being trained to ask legal questions. Keep your answers focused on recent job-related experiences, professional association experiences or classroom examples. Do your very best NOT to use personal or family examples, examples from religious organizations or nondegree related association examples. And, when deciding whether to use an example from something you did when you were in high school vs. college—use the most recent example.

How do I prepare?

To prepare, look at the job description (if one is available—if not, use the ad for the job as a basis) and think of the best example to demonstrate that you have each attribute. In addition, there are some standard attributes that many companies look for, such as the following:

  • Strong communicator
  • Adaptable/flexible
  • Able to work in teams
  • Self-directed/motivated
  • Demonstrates honesty and integrity
  • Goal-oriented
  • Strong follow-through

A corporate recruiter’s advice

Dana Pulliam, senior manager of university relations for Applied Biosystems, offers the following tips:

  • Make sure your response is clear and concise. Watch the interviewer’s body language. If they seem uninterested, wrap up your answer.
  • The worst thing you can do is make up an answer. If you can’t think of an answer, say so. Don’t try to bluff your way through because the interviewer will know it.
  • Before admitting to not having a response, stop and think about class projects, group projects, or even an activity that’s not school-related.
  • Use your career services center to look for sample questions and participate in mock interview classes.
  • If you have to use a personal example to answer a question, that’s okay. Just be sure that you don’t answer every question with a personal example.
  • The best students that I have interviewed have been those who are able to speak to everything on their resume.

By Sue Keever<

Compensation & Relocation

How do you respond if asked about salary? How do you plan a job move? Find resources for those tough questions – know current salaries and good negotiation methods. Once you get a position, we can assist you in finding resources to plan your move.

When and what you say about salary can price you out of the market or keep you from getting the salary you deserve. The staff in the Career and Internship Center are available to help you prepare for these questions.

How to Handle a Salary Request Toggle Accordion

How do you respond if asked about salary? How do you plan a job move? Find resources for those tough questions – know current salaries and good negotiation methods. Once you get a position, we can assist you in finding resources to plan your move.

When and what you say about salary can price you out of the market or keep you from getting the salary you deserve. The staff in the Career and Internship Center are available to help you prepare for these questions.

How to Handle a Salary Request

When an employer requests a salary history, many job seekers find themselves at a loss. You don’t want to price yourself out of a job, but you don’t want the employer to offer less than the going rate for the position.

So what’s the right answer?

  • Don’t include salary history on your resume.
  • Handle the request at the end of your cover letter. First, highlight your skills, experience, and interest in the position—information that is far more important to your consideration as a candidate.
  • Respond to the question positively without giving a specific amount. (Example: “I’m earning in the mid-30s.”)
  • Say “salary is negotiable.”
  • If you know the market value for the position and for someone with your skills and background, give a $3,000-$5,000 range. (Use the free Educate to Career (ETC) Salary Calculator to find an appropriate range.)
  • Be prepared to respond to this question in an interview. Carry a list of your positions in reverse chronological order, including the name of the company, your title, a synopsis of your duties, and, lastly, a general compensation amount (e.g. mid-30s).
  • Don’t lie about your salary history. Employers may verify salary history through reference checks.

Salary requests are difficult for all job searchers to handle, not just new college grads. The key is to shift the focus, politely but firmly, from what you made in the past to competitive compensation for the position you want.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Job Seekers Salary Calculator – The Educate to Career (ETC) Job Seekers Salary Claculator is one of the best salary calculators that we have worked with.

Salary Calculator from Payscale

Salary Negotiation from Payscale

Benefits Count Toggle Accordion

As you look for your first job, you’re probably not thinking about becoming ill, retiring, or looking for tax breaks. However, you should consider benefits to be an important part of your compensation package. According to the most recent survey of new college graduates, the top benefits desired by new hires include medical insurance and such “core” financial benefits as salary increases, tuition reimbursement, and a 401 (k) company match. Benefits that deliver more immediate satisfaction, such as family-friendly benefits, more than two weeks of vacation, and flextime are increasingly important. A good benefits package can add as much as 30 percent to your overall compensation and may make a huge difference in your work/life quality! Here is information about some commonly offered benefits:

Health Insurance

This is an important benefit for three financial reasons:

  • Even if you have to pay for all or part of the coverage, it’s cheaper to get insurance through an employer at group rates than to purchase it on your own.
  • Health insurance is comparable to nontaxable income—providing health insurance could cost your employer upwards of $4,000 per year per employee—and you don’t pay tax on it. If you were to purchase health insurance, it might take more than $5,000 per year out of your pocket—after taxes.
  • The third advantage, of course, is, if you get sick or have a surfing (or horseback riding or bungee-jumping) accident, your medical treatment is paid for (in part or in full, depending on your policy).

Annual Salary Increases

More money? Of course that’s a good thing. In recent years, some employers have frozen salaries—not given any raises—or given minimal, 1.4 percent raises. According to Aon Hewitt’s annual U.S. Salary Increase Survey, average salary increases over the past couple of years ranged up to about 4 percent. If you earn $44,500, a 4 percent raise will increase your income by $1,777.

Tuition Reimbursement

One way to get ahead in your career is to continue learning—keep up with the latest trends in your profession. In this case, your employer pays all or a portion of your tuition costs for classes related to the business of the company. In some cases, employers reimburse for nonbusiness-related classes and for supplies such as books.

401(k) plan

A 401(k) is a retirement plan that allows you to put a percentage of your gross (pre-tax) income into a trust fund or other qualified investment fund. In many cases, employers will match your contribution up to a certain percentage—this is “free” money that can add to your overall compensation package. Why is this important to you since retirement is still 30 or 40 years away? According to The Motley Fool, a multimedia financial-services company, someone saving $5,000 a year beginning at age 25 will have $787,176 at age 65 (assuming an 11 percent annual return on savings). Waiting until age 35 cuts your investment earnings in half, to a total of $364,615. Wait until age 45 to start your retirement fund and you’ll have only $168,887—not much to live on in retirement. Typically, you can direct your contributions and the matching funds into investments offered through your employer. And your 401(k) is portable—you can take it with you if you change jobs.

Flex Spending Account

Also known as flexible benefits and Section 125 plans, these plans let you put aside money (via a deduction from each pay) before taxes to cover various types of costs such as payment of health insurance and life insurance premiums, and vision care, dental care, or child- or dependent-care costs. By using money held out before taxes, you’ll spend pre-tax dollars on necessities and you’ll show less earned income on your federal tax return—so you will pay a lower percentage of your income in taxes.

Family-friendly Benefits

Do you have to have a family to collect these benefits? Absolutely not! Family-friendly benefits can mean a lot of things.

  • Flextime allows you to vary your workday start and stop times, within limits.
  • Paid time off (PTO) deposits your paid-time off (e.g., vacation, holiday, sick, and personal days) into one bank from which you withdraw days, which you allocate as you wish. This means you could wind up with more than two weeks of vacation.
  • Telecommuting allows you to work from home or at an alternative work site for part of the week, checking in with the main office via telephone and computer. Some employers provide the office equipment for home use; in other cases, you cover the costs associated with telecommuting.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Correspondence with Potential Employers

Although most of your job search letters will be written to seek out employment opportunities, there will be occasions that will require other forms of correspondence. These too should be prepared carefully and professionally.

See the Career and Internship Center Handout for How to Write a Stellar Thank You Letter.

Networking Letter Toggle Accordion

This letter is designed to generate informational interviews – not job interviews. During informational interviews you can meet with individuals who may be able to give you information about your intended career. Informational interviewing is a valuable way to research job markets, define career goals, and possibly uncover vacancy information.

A resume is not typically attached to a networking letter – again your goal with informational interviewing is not to interview for a job, but to gain information that may help you in your job search. However, during your informational interview, you may want to bring your resume in order to assist the interviewer in helping you answer questions or further clarify goals.

Thank You Letters Toggle Accordion

This is one of the most important, yet least used forms of correspondence. It is used to establish goodwill, express appreciation, and strengthen your candidacy. Make sure that everyone who helps you in your job search receives a thank you letter. When used to follow up a job interview, try to send your thank you letter (or email) within 24 hours.

This letter should be brief and concise. Make sure to restate your interest in the position, reemphasizing your qualifications and expressing your sincere appreciation for the interview.

Acceptance Letter Toggle Accordion

This letter is used to accept a job and confirm the terms of your employment (salary, starting date, etc.). Most often this letter follows a telephone conversation during which details of the offer and terms of employment are discussed. Some employers will specifically request that you respond in writing. Even when this is not the case, write a formal letter of acceptance to project your professionalism and avoid any confusion about your employment.

Withdrawal Letter Toggle Accordion

Once you accept a position, you have the obligation to inform all other employers of your decision, and to withdraw your application from consideration. Express appreciation for the employer’s consideration and state simply and cordially that you have accepted other employment.

Letter of Decline Toggle Accordion

Employers aren’t the only ones who send rejection letters. You may decide to decline job offers that don’t fit your personal objectives and interests. Rejecting an offer should be done tactfully and thoughtfully. Indicate that you have given the offer careful consideration and have decided not to accept it. Be sure to thank the employer for the offer and for considering you as a candidate.

Career Library

General Career Library (Yellow Labels) Toggle Accordion

Career Exploration (Yellow CE)

  • Be Bold, Cheryl L. Dorsey,
  • Career Guide for Creative & Inconventional People, Carol Eikleberry,
  • Careers for Introverts & Other Solitary Types, Blythe Camenson,
  • Cool Careers for Dummies, Marty Nemko, 3rd edition (7 copies here 3 at Stockwell)
  • Everybody Wants to go to Heaven,Steps to Organizational Excellence, Patrick McDonnell, 2002.
  • Gifts Differing, Isabel Briggs Myers,
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook,
  • Panicked Student’s Guide to Choosing a College Major, Laurence Shatkin,
  • Road Trip Nation, Mike Marriner,
  • Strengths Quest, Donald O. Clifton,

Job Search (Yellow JS)

  • Confessions of a Recruiting Director, Brad Karsh, 2006
  • How Hard are you Knocking, Timothy J. Augustine, 2005 (2 copies)
  • How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, Brad Schepp, 2012
  • In Search of the Perfect Job, Clyde C. Lowstuter, 2007
  • The International Advantage, Marcelo Barros, 2015
  • Job Search Handbook for People with Disabilities, Daniel J. Ryan, 2011 (2 copies)
  • Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies, Joshua Waldman, 2013
  • The Path from Backpack to Briefcase, R. William Holland, 2014 (7 copies)
  • What Color Is Your Parachute?, Richard Nelson Bolles, 2014

General Career Library (Red Labels) Toggle Accordion

Advertising (Red ADV)

  • Breaking Into Advertising, Peterson’s, 1998
  • Build Your Own Brand, Robin Landa, 2013
  • Careers in Advertising, S. Willaim Pattis, 2004
  • Public Relations Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan, 1993
  • Vault Career Guide to Advertising, Ira Berkowitz, 2004
  • Vault Career Guide to Marketing & Brand Management, Jennifer Goodman, 2001

Art / Performing Arts (Red ART)

  • Careers for Culture Lovers & Other Artsy Types, Marjorie Eberts & Margaret Gisler, 1999
  • Great Jobs for Music Majors, Jan Goldberg, 2005
  • Great Jobs for Theater Majors, Jan Goldberg, 2005
  • Vault Career Guide to the Fashion Industry, Holly Han, 2003

Anthropology / Sociology (Red AS)

  • Careers in Anthropology, John T. Omohundro, 1998
  • Careers in Criminology, Marilyn Morgan, 2000 (2 copies)
  • Embarking Upon a Career with Undergraduate Degree in Sociology, Janet Mancini Billson, 1998
  • Great Jobs for Anthropology Majors, Blythe Camenson, 2005
  • Great Jobs for Sociology Majors, Stephen Lambert, 1997
  • Mastering the Job Market with a Graduate Degree in Sociology, Janet Mancini Billson, 1998
  • Sociologists In the Corporate World, Delbert C. Miller, 1994
  • What Anthropologists Do, Veronica Strang, 2009

Business (Red B)

  • Great Jobs for Accounting Majors, Jan Goldberg, 2005
  • Great Jobs for Business Majors, Stephen Lambert, 2009
  • Great Jobs for Economics Majors, Blythe Camenson, 2007

English (Red E)

  • Great Jobs for English Majors, Julie DeGalan & Stephen Lambert, 2006
  • Technical Writing Careers, Jay R. Gould & Wayne A. Losano, 2000

Education (Red ED)

  • Education Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisana, 1994
  • Teaching Overseas: An Insiders’ Perspective, Kent M Blakeney, 2012

Event Planning (Red EP)

  • Become An Event Planner, Matthew James, 2016
  • The Business of Event Planning, Judy Allen, 2002
  • Event Planning, Judy Allen, 2000

Foreign Languages (Red FL)

  • Careers for Foreign Language Aficionados & Other Multilingual Types, H. Ned Seelye & J. Laurence Day, 1994
  • Careers in Foreign Languages, Blythe Camenson, 2001
  • Great Jobs for Foreign Language Majors, Julie DeGalan & Stephen Lambert, 2007

GAP Year (Red Gap)

  • The Back Door Guide to Short-Term Job Adventures, Michael Landes, 2002
  • Gap Year, American Style, Karl Haigler, 2013
  • The Gap Year Book, Lonely Planet, 2005
  • The Gap Year Guidebook, Samantha Wilkins, 2016
  • Taking a Gap Year, Susan Griffith, 2003

Government (Red Gov)

  • Barron’s Guide to Homeland Security Careers, Donald B. Hutton and Anna Mydlarz, 2003.
  • Book of U.S. Government Jobs, Dennis Damp, 2011
  • Civil Service Career Starter, Learning Express, 1997
  • FBI Careers, Thomas Ackerman, 2002
  • Find Your Federal Job Fit, Janet M. Ruck, 2012
  • Public Administration Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisano, 1994

Health/Fitness (Red H)

  • Concepts of Occupational Therapy, Kathlyn L. Reed & Sharon Nelson Sanderson, 1992
  • Great Jobs for Physical Education Majors, Nancy Giebel, 2004
  • Guide to Careers in the Health Professions, Lynne Borders Caldwell, The Princeton Review, 2000
  • Health Professions – Career and Education Directory 2006-07, American Medical Association
  • Opportunities in Fitness Careers, Mary Miller, 1997
  • Opportunities in Physical Therapy Careers, Bernice R. Krumhansl, 1993
  • Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Terence J. Sacks, 1997
  • Real People Working in Health Care, Blythe Camenson, 1997

History (Red HIS)

  • Careers for History Buffs & Others Who Learn From The Past, Blythe Camenson, 1994
  • Great Jobs for History Majors, Julie DeGalan & Stephen Lambert, 2001

International (Red I)

  • Careers in International Affairs, Maria Pinto Carland & Michael Trucano, 1997
  • Directory of Jobs & Careers Abroad, Elisabeth Roberts, 2000
  • Go Global!, Stacie Berdan, 2011
  • Going Global: Singapore, Mary Anne Thompson, 2003
  • Inside a U.S. Embassy, Shawn Dorman, 2012
  • The ISS Directory of International Schools. International Schools Services, 2013-2014
  • Jobs for People Who Love To Travel – Opportunities at Home and Abroad, Ron & Caryl Krannich, Ph.D.s, 1999
  • Returning To Hong Kong, The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, 1995
  • Teaching English Abroad, Susan Griffith, 13th Edition, 2014
  • Work Your Way Around the World, Susan Griffith, 1998
  • Working in Tourism, Vacation Work’s, 1999

Law (Red L)

  • Careers in Law, Gary Munneke, 2004
  • Inside the Law Schools, Carol-June Cassidy, 1998
  • Law School 101, R. Stephanie Good, 2004
  • Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers, Gary A. Munneke, 2006
  • Paralegal: An Insider’s Guide to One of Today’s Fastest-Growing Careers, Barbara Bernardo, 1997
  • Pre-Law Companion, Ron Coleman, 1996
  • The New What Can You Do with a Law Degree, Larry Richard & Tanya Hanson, 2012

Liberal Arts (Red LA)

  • Great Jobs for Liberal Arts Majors, Blythe Camenson, 2008
  • In Defense of a Liberal Education, Fareed Zakaria, 201

Ministry (Red M)

  • Answering God’s Call for your Life, Robert Roth, 2006 (2 copies)
  • Let Your Life Speak, Parker J. Palmer, 2000
  • A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, Helmut Thielicke, 1962
  • What to Expect in Seminary, Virginia Samuel Cetuk, 1998
  • Who Will go for Us?, Dennis M. Campbell, 1994

Math/Computer Science (Red M/C)

  • Careers for Number Crunchers & Other Quantitative Types, Rebecca Burnett, 1994
  • Computing and Software Design Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisano, 1993
  • Great Jobs for Computer Science Majors, Jan Goldberg, 1998
  • Great Jobs for Math Majors, Stephen Lambert & Ruth DeCotis, 2006
  • 101 Careers in Mathematics, Andrew Sterrett, 1996

Media/Communications (Red Med/Com)

  • Big Book 2006: Guide to the Communication Arts, Andre LaRoche, 2006
  • Book Publishing Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan, 1993
  • Breaking Into Film, Peterson’s, 1999
  • Breaking Into Television, Peterson’s, 1998
  • Careers in Communications & Media, Michael Shally-Jenson, 2014
  • Careers in Journalism, Jan Goldberg, 1997
  • Careers in Media, Michael P. Savoie, 2010
  • Great Jobs for Communications Majors, Blythe Camenson, 1995
  • How To Get Into The Entertainment Business, Ron Tepper, 1999
  • Magazines Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan, 1993
  • New York Film Academy, Film and Acting School, 2008-2009
  • Radio and Television Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan, 1993
  • Why Study Communication?, National Communication Association, 2015

Non-Profits (Red N)

  • Careers for Good Samaritans & Other Humanitarian Types, Marjorie Eberts, 2006
  • Careers in Fundraising, Lilya Wagner, 2002
  • Compassionate Careers, Jeffrey W. Pryor, 2015
  • From Making a Profit to Making a Difference, Richard M. King, 2000
  • A Guide to Careers in Community Development, Paul C. Brophy & Alice Shabecoff, 2001
  • How to Get a Job in the Nonprofit Sector, Michigan Nonprofit Association
  • 100 Best Nonprofits To Work For, Leslie Hamilton & Robert Tragert, 2000

Political Science (Red P)

  • Great Jobs for Political Science Majors, Mark Rowh, 2004

Psychology/Social Work (Red P/SW)

  • Careers for Caring People & Other Sensitive Types, Adrian A. Paradis, 1996
  • Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You, Robert J. Sternberg, 2007
  • Great Jobs for Psychology Majors, Julie DeGalan & Stephen Lambert, 2006
  • Mental Health and Social Work Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisano, 1993
  • What Can You do with a Major in Psychology, Shelley O’Hara, 2005

Science (Red S)

  • Careers for Chemists: A World Outside the Lab; Fred Owens, Roger Uhler & Corinne Marasco, 1997
  • Careers for Scientific Types, Jan Goldberg, 2007
  • Careers in Focus: Animal Care, Ferguson, 2001
  • Careers in Science and Engineering; Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy; 1996
  • Environmental Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisano, 1993
  • Great Jobs for Biology Majors, Blythe Camenson, 2004
  • Great Jobs for Chemistry Majors, Mark Rowh, 2006
  • Great Jobs for Engineering Majors, Geraldine O. Garner, 1996
  • Great Jobs for Environmental Studies Majors, Julie DeGalan, 2008
  • Great Jobs for Geology Majors, Blythe Camenson, 2007
  • Green Careers: Choosing Work for a Sustainable Future, Jim Cassio & Alice Rush, 2009
  • Guide to Nontraditional Careers in Science, Kreeger, 1999
  • Jump Start Your Career in BioScience, Chandrea B. Louise, Ph.D., 1998
  • Physical Sciences Career Directory, Bradley J. Morgan & Joseph M. Palmisano, 1994
  • Real People Working in Science, Jan Goldberg, 1998
  • The EnviroDirectory: Great Lakes 2000-2001, Environmental Marketing Group, Inc., 2000

Sports (Red SPT)

  • Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry, Shelly Field, 2004
  • Careers in Sports, Fitness, and Exercise, American Kinesiology Association, 2011
  • The Mulligan Guide to Sports Journalism Careers, Joseph F. Mulligan, 1999

Volunteer (Red V)

  • Invest Yourself – The Catalogue of Volunteer Opportunities, Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, 2003
  • A Life Inspired, Peace Corps, 2008 (4 copies)
  • So, You Want To Join the Peace Corps…, Dillon Banerjee, 2000

General Career Library (White Labels) Toggle Accordion

Internships (White IN)

  • All Work, No Pay, Lauren Berger, 2012
  • The Coffee Run, Sydney Fulkerson, 2015
  • 52 Weeks of Sales Success, Ralph R. Roberts, 2009
  • Finding Your Internship, Marvin Russell, 2013
  • Foreclosure Self-Defense for Dummies, Ralph R. Roberts, 2008
  • The Internship Manual, Sharise Kent, 2015
  • The Ultimate Guide to Internships, Eric Woodward, 2015
  • Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman, Ralph R. Roberts, 2008
  • Your Internship, Molly Abrahamson, 2015

General Career Library (Blue Labels) Toggle Accordion

Cover Letters (Blue C)

  • Dynamic Cover Letters, Katherine Hansen & Randall Hanson, Ph.D, 2001
  • How to Say It, Rosalie Maggio, 2001
  • Knock’em Dead Cover Letters, Martin Yate, 2012
  • Vault Guide to Resume, Cover Letters, and Interviewing, Howard Leifman, 2003

Employment (Blue E)

  • Life During College, Life after Graduation, 2005
  • Your Financial Future, Life after Graduation, 2005

Interviewing (Blue I)

  • Case in Point, Marc P. Cosentino, 2007
  • The Essential Digital Interview Handbook, Paul J. Bailo, 2014
  • The Essential Job Interview Handbook, Jean Baur, 2013
  • The Essential Phone Interview Handbook, Paul J. Bailo, 2011
  • Five Minutes to a Higher Salary, Lewis C. Lin, 2015
  • How to Dress for Success- DVD
  • Interview Like Yourself (No, Really!), Jezra Kaye, 2014
  • Knock’em Dead Job Interview, Martin Yate, 2013
  • Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews, Tony Beshara, 2014
  • 60 Seconds & You’re Hired, Robin Ryan, 2016

Leadership (Blue L)

  • Coaching Skills: A program aimed at enhancing your ability to support others, 2009
  • The 5 Levels of Leadership, John C. Maxwell, 2011
  • Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute, 2010

Networking (Blue N)

  • How to Build the Ultimate LinkedIn Profile in Under an Hour, Andrew Macarthy, 2013
  • LinkedIn in 30 Minutes, Melanie Pinola, 2013
  • Make Your Contacts Count, Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon, 2007

Resumes (Blue R)

  • The Infographic Resume, Hannah Morgan, 2014
  • Knock ‘Em Dead Resumes, Martin Yate, 2012
  • Modernize Your Resume, Wendy Enelow, 2016

Graduate School Library (Green Labels) Toggle Accordion

Financing (Green FIN)

  • Dan Cassidy’s Worldwide Graduate Scholarship Directory, 5th ed., Dan Cassidy, 2000
  • Don’t Miss Out: The Ambitious Student’s Guide to Financial Aid, Robert & Anna Leider, 1994-1995
  • Grants for Graduate & Postdoctoral Study, Peterson’s, 1998

Exploration and applying to Grad School (Green GRAD)

  • The CV Book, James Innes, 2012
  • CV Handbook, Will Coghill-Behrends & Rebecca Anthony, 2011
  • Grad’s Guide to Graduate Admissions Essays, Colleen Reding, 2015
  • Graduate Admissions Essays, 4th Edition, Donald Asher, 2012
  • GRE Premium, 2015, Princeton Review
  • GRE Premier, 2016, Kaplan
  • GRE Study Guide, 2014
  • How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae, Acy L. Jackson & Kathlen Geckeis, 2003
  • How to Write a Winning Personal Statement-Peterson’s, Richard Stelzer, 1997 (2 copies)
  • How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement, 4th Edition, Petersons, 2009
  • How to Write the Perfect CV, M.E. Brandon, 2013
  • Personalize Your Grad School Essays, Michelle Hubbard, 2014
  • The PhD Factory, Goldman & Massy, 2001

Law (Green LAW)

  • How to get into the Top Law Schools, Richard Montauk, 2011
  • Law School Essays, Princeton Review, 2008
  • LSAT: Endurance Practice, Kaplan, 2010
  • LSAT: Mastery and Timing Practice, Kaplan, 2010
  • Stern-Wilson Book of Law School Lists, Gerald Wilson, 2016

Masters Business Administration (Green MBA)

  • Great Applications for Business School, Paul Bodine, 2011
  • MBA Admissions Strategy, Avi Gordon, 2010

Medical (Green MED)

  • The Best 167 Medical Schools, Princeton Review, 2015
  • Get Into Medical School, Kaplan, 2011
  • The Medical School Admissions Guide, Suzanne M. Miller, 2012

Graduate Programs Guides Set (No Labels) Toggle Accordion

  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs: An Overview
  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs in the Biological/Biomedical Sciences & Health-Related Medical Professions
  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Information Studies, Law, and Social Work
  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs in Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Peterson’s 2015 Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, The Environment & Natural Resources
  • Encyclopedia of Associations – 3 volumes, Gale 46th Edition, 2008 (No Labels)
  • Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State, and Local Organizations-Great Lakes States, 1 volume, Gale 16th Edition, 2006 (No Labels)

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