Student Employment Handbook

Student Employment Handbook

Student Employment Handbook

The Student Employment Handbook is intended to provide student employees an overview of the policies and procedures guiding the Student Employment and Payroll at Albion College.

Student employees are an important part in the success of Albion College. Students work in many areas of the College. Student work opportunities are a privilege, beneficial to the institution and the students.

Albion College understands student employees are students first and employees second. Students are expected to meet their commitments to the employment arrangement, arriving on time, completing work during scheduled hours and otherwise acting with dignity and respect for supervisors, staff, other students and other members of the College Community.

This document is intended to serve as reference for the students and supervisors who are participants in the student employment program.

If you have any questions about Student Employment or the handbook, please contact the following offices:

Human Resources

Ferguson Hall, Second Floor

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Phone: (517) 629-0205
Email: [email protected]

Career & Internship Center

3rd floor, Ferguson Hall

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Phone: 517-629-0332
Fax: 517-629-0578
Email: [email protected]

Make an appointment

Financial Aid

Cass Street Building (Behind Bonta Admission Center)

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 517-629-0440
Email: [email protected]