CA Application & Hiring Process

Community Assistant Applications

  • Applications will be opened on January 13, 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year
    • Visit your eRezLife profile to view the application form – available after January 14.
    • This form has several components, but you can fill it out as you go and your data should be saved.
    • We are not requiring an essay this year, but instead have several intentional questions!
  • Staff review application forms and review academic and social eligibility for the position.
  • Invitations to schedule interviews will be distributed at the beginning of February.

Requirements to become a CA

  • Must submit a complete application as stated above
  • Complete an Interview
  • Have a 2.5 Cumulative GPA and be in Good Social Standing
  • You must have lived on a college campus for at least 1 academic semester, even if it was at another institution.

Interview Information

Interviews will be scheduled through your eRezLife job application page.

We have created a CA Interview Worksheet to help you prepare for your interview – to be released in January 2025! Please take some time to think about your answers to these questions so you can have some answers ready for the interview. We will not be asking these exact questions, but if you complete this worksheet, you will be able to better answer at the interview. We encourage you to bring a copy of this worksheet to your interview as well.

Interviews are 30 minutes in length and occur with 1-2 professional staff members and 1-2 current CAs. Students who have applied and meet the criteria will receive an email about their interview time.



Interviewing Tips

  • Research the position. Know about all aspects of the staff member role including programming, peer helping, student conduct, community building, staff interactions, etc.
  • Reflect on why you want a position as a CA and what you hope to accomplish in the position.
  • Review the activities you have done recently so that you can demonstrate how your experiences could assist you as a staff member.
  • Think about what makes you unique. Ask yourself the question, “Would I hire myself as a staff member, and why?”
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes early. Confirm the time and place.
  • Acknowledge each member of the interviewing team. Offer to shake hands and introduce yourself.
  • Maintain eye contact and listen intently. Make sure you understand the question before you answer. Ask for clarification if you need to. It is perfectly acceptable to pause and reflect for a few moments before you answer the question. Remember to answer all parts of the question.
  • Dress The Way That Makes You Feel Confident: We in Community Living wear business casual attire and we all have our own style. So whether you come in in a three-piece suit or jeans, wear what makes you, you. We just ask that no sweatpants or pajamas are worn.