Move-In and Move-Out Expectations

Planning Ahead

The best place to begin when preparing for travel to and from campus for breaks is the Albion College Academic Calendar.

Spring 2025 semester move-in day is Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 12-3pm. All new students must complete check-in as directed to confirm enrollment for the semester.

Students can remain in College housing, though classes are not in session, during Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, and Spring Break. Campus services, including Dining, are limited during Thanksgiving and Spring Break.

Students are not permitted to remain in College housing during Winter Break unless excepted due to on-campus employment or program expectations (e.g. winter athletics).

At the end of the Spring Semester, students must check out of their space within 24 hours after their last scheduled exam, and no later than the residence hall closing time. At the end of Spring 2025 semester, residence halls close at 9pm, Wednesday, April 30.

Move-In Day

Each August and January, Community Living coordinates the student check-in and move-in processes. Staff are located throughout the buildings, and closely work with Campus Safety (parking), Help Desk and IT (student IDs, connectivity), and the Facilities Operations teams (maintenance and custodial needs), among others.

On Move-In Day, students can expect the opportunity to connect with several important student offices, such as Financial Aid, Accounting, Campus Safety (parking), and the Registrar. While there is some paperwork to complete at a central Check-In location, we aim for the “business” of Move-In Day to be completed quickly and seamlessly, allowing you to focus on getting settled in your room and prepared for classes. Once you’ve completed your official Check-In and have arrived at your building, there will be staff to greet you and flatbed carts available for larger items. Community Assistants will hold floor meetings and help new community members get to know each other, while distributing information about living together and important resources on campus.

Spring 2025 semester move-in day is Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 12-3pm. All new students must complete check-in as directed to confirm enrollment for the semester.

At the end of the Spring Semester, students must check out of their space within 24 hours after their last scheduled exam, and no later than the residence hall closing time. At the end of Spring 2025 semester, residence halls close at 9pm, Wednesday, April 30.

New Student? Not Sure How To Prepare?

What to Bring and Not to Bring

Your Move-In Checklist

Community Living offers a variety of tools, teammates and support systems to help you reach your goals. Community Assistants (CAs) live alongside students and provide guidance, social activities and educational support. Our Community Assistants (CAs) are upperclass peer leaders who have demonstrated an interest and commitment to making the residential experience a remarkable one. They live alongside students and provide guidance, social activities and educational support. Designated professional staff work directly with each building and are great referral sources to the various support services on campus.

Our residence hall rooms are considered “double rooms,” and include a bed, desk, desk chair, dresser space, and closet/wardrobe space for each resident of the room. Each room has wireless internet. All mattresses are 80″ long and 36″ wide (many retail stores consider these to be “extra long twin”). Lofts are prohibited in all residence halls. Both Wesley and Seaton Hall beds are bunkable.

Basic kitchenware is at front desks for use in the kitchenettes. Laundry is free and washers and dryers are available in each residence hall. We do ask, however, that students are courteous and responsible with all building appliances and equipment.

You have a chance to connect with us! New Students will be invited to attend our virtual Approaching Albion series to meet Community Living staff and learn more about the residential experience.

We encourage you to contact your roommate prior to your arrival, and to discuss who will bring the shared items you and your roommate want in the room so you do not bring duplicates. Making contact with your roommate before arriving on campus makes for a smooth transition to college life.

For your convenience, we have partnered with Dormify to provide an easy, affordable way to purchase Twin XL bedding, dorm storage solutions, and everything else you’ll need (and want) for your new home away from home. Please visit the Dormify website to get move-in day ready and create your dream room!

Download our What to Bring/Not Bring document to learn best practices for decoration, appliances, and our Cleaning Essentials cheat sheet for taking of your campus room.

Provided to all new students at check-in, our Move-In Checklist summarizes critical information in a quick and easy format. The checklist helps students practice independence and is a roadmap for early success at Albion College.

Download the Move In Checklist 2024 (.pdf)

Move-Out Process

At the end of the academic year, every student must check-out with Community Living and depart campus. Students in staff residence halls should connect with their Area Coordinator or Community Assistant, and students in fraternity buildings, ILCs, or apartments are welcome to complete the “express” check-out form available at Campus Safety.

As part of check-out, students will coordinate a time with Community Living staff to visit the space and document the condition of the room through the Room Condition Reporting function in eRezLife. Students may be charged for damages and/or evidence of negligence in their residence. If an individual student is not responsible for damages in shared common areas, the cost for repair will be evenly distributed amongst residents in the community.

Students must plan to move all belongings off campus, complete the check-out process, and depart campus within 24 hours of your last final exam review the final exam schedule here, or, before 9:00 pm Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

If one of the exceptions below matches your experience participating in Commencement, you have an adjusted check-out schedule according to an 8:00 pm Saturday, May 3 residence hall closing. If either of these describe your circumstance, you will also be approved for meals through breakfast on May 3. If one of these reasons is true for you, you will receive a specific email from our office about your extension on April 28.

  • You are registered to walk at commencement on Saturday, May 3
  • You are required to remain on campus to participate in commencement as a performer (e.g. choir member)
  • You have an extended athletic season

Students not planning to continue their enrollment must return their student ID card, their KC mailbox key, and any metal door keys to Community Living staff. This includes graduating students.

Closing Expectations

  • Attend your Hall Meeting to understand further details and nuances about your community and/or building check-out procedures. All hall meetings will be scheduled on or before April 18.
  • Connect with your roommate so any shared property or responsibilities are completed appropriately. Make sure to pack up all of your belongings – items can not remain in your room after check-out. Anything forgotten will be considered abandoned property.
  • Take out all of your trash and discard unwanted things. Furniture should be placed next to the dumpster if discarded.
  • Clean your room. Your room should be thoroughly swept and hard surfaces should be wiped down with sanitizing wipes.
  • If you reside in an apartment or house, you must empty your refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, microwave, and all closets. Appliances should be wiped down as well.
  • Rooms requiring maintenance or custodial resources beyond the campus standard will warrant an improper check-out fee or additional charges to cover the costs of damages.

The Check-Out Process

ALL STUDENTS must check-out of residential assignments.

  1. Explore your final exam schedule and determine your final date in College housing accordingly.
  2. Review the Closing Preparation Instructions above and complete before your move-out.
  3. Connect with a Community Assistant (or [email protected] if living in an apartment, house, or fraternity) to schedule your check-out appointment.
  4. After moving out all personal belongings and cleaning your room appropriately, connect with staff to check-out of your room. This is a final verification, in-person at your assigned room, of your departure from campus and that your room has been left in adequate condition.
    1. Students living in buildings without Community Living staff (fraternities, ILC houses, apartments) may complete check-out through the Express Check-out process at Campus Safety or Community Living (Ferguson 124). This does not require an in-person appointment.
  5. At the check-out appointment, staff will check appliances, closets, drawers, and overall condition of the space and furniture. Staff will visit spaces where students did “express check-out” in the following days.
  6. Finally, you will sign your check-out sheet and depart campus.

Summer Storage Program

Community Living and Facilities Operations coordinate a storage program to students whose home address is approximately five or more hours driving distance away from campus.

Eligible students can determine four items to store on campus until move-in for Fall semester. These four items may not include TVs, couches, futons, or other significantly larger or more fragile items.

Up to two storage “totes” (40 gallon lidded bins) may be borrowed from the College and used to store smaller items. These totes would count among the four total items registered for storage.

Participation will require registration through the form below.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact your Area Coordinator.

Summer Storage Program

Residential Amenities and Support Programs

Our staff and campus partners facilitate a variety of amenities and support programs for students at Albion College, including transportation services, free laundry, bike storage, and summer storage. Each hall is staffed with peers and full-time professionals to help with additional support.

Check out our selection of amenities, programs, and other helpful information

Exemptions and Accommodations

Information about housing exemptions and accommodations is a part of Room Selection. Community Living and Accessibility Services staff are available to meet and discuss your needs.