Cost of Attendance

We understand. College costs can be daunting. But now more than ever, your college education is one of the most important investments your family can make.

Affordability is our goal, and we’re here to help families access all of the financial resources that are available. During the 2023-24 academic year, Albion awarded more than $61 million in scholarships and grants.

Despite the assumption that liberal arts colleges are too expensive, our average federal student debt for 2023 graduates was $24,743, comparable to the national rate. Our default rate is only 5.7%, which is lower than the national average of 7.3%. This means that over 94% of our students achieve outcomes that make their debt manageable.

Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

The Cost of Attendance is a summary of the expenses a student may have while attending Albion College. Some charges are billed, such as tuition, fees, and food and housing (if living on campus), while others are indirect costs that should be budgeted for.

On-Campus Student Budget - Community Living

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing amount reflects the average rate Albion students pay for all community living housing options including Seaton, Wesley, and Fiske. Actual charges may vary based on housing assignment.

**Food cost reflects the 21 meals per week plan. Actual charges will vary based on selected meal plan.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Community Living$35,790$35,790$71,580

On-Campus Student Budget - Suite Living

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing amount reflects the average rate Albion students pay for all suite-style housing options including Mitchell, Whitehouse, Ingham, and Dean. Actual charges will vary based on housing assignment.

**Food cost reflects the 21 meals per week plan. Actual charges will vary based on selected meal plan.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Suite Living$35,965$35,965$71,930

On-Campus Student Budget - Fraternity

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing amount reflects the average rate Albion students pay for all college-owned Fraternity options. Actual charges will vary based on housing assignment.

**Food cost reflects the 21 meals per week plan. Actual charges will vary based on selected meal plan.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Fraternity Living$36,360$36,360$72,720

On-Campus Student Budget - Apartments and Houses

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing amount reflects the average rate Albion students pay for all college-owned apartment and house living options. Actual charges will vary based on housing assignment.

**Food cost reflects the 21 meals per week plan. Actual charges will vary based on selected meal plan.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Apartment/House Living$36,665$36,665$73,330

Off-Campus Student Budget

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2024Spring 2025Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Commuter Fee$810$810$1,620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing amount is not billed and reflects the average rental rate for a one-person apartment in Albion based on federal data. Actual costs will vary.

**Food cost is not billed by the College and reflects federal data providing a total of 21 meals per week.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Transportation $400$400$800
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Off Campus Living$35,570$35,570$71,140

Living at Home Student Budget

Tuition & Fees Toggle Accordion

Tuition & FeesFall 2023Spring 2024Total
Student Activity & Health and Wellness Fee$310$310$620
Commuter Fee$810$810$1,620
Matriculation Fee**$185$0$185

*Tuition per credit hour: full-time students (3.0-4.5 units): $1,760.31, an additional $456 per ¼ unit above 4.5 part-time students (less than 3.0 units): $2,366.

**The matriculation fee is a one-time administrative setup fee that is paid by all first-time students. Admitted students who have paid the $185 enrollment deposit before enrolling will have this amount credited to their account to cover the matriculation fee.

Living Expenses Toggle Accordion

Living ExpensesFall 2024Spring 2025Total

*Housing cost is not billed and provides an amount for the student to cover non-food living expenses.

**Food amount reflects the Gold Commuter plan, providing 125 meals per semester. Actual food charges will vary, and a meal plan is not required.

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable) Toggle Accordion

Additional Expenses (Non-Billable)Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment$425$425$850
Personal Expenses$275$275$550
Federal Loan Fees*$35$35$70
First Professional License**$0$0$0

*Federal loan fees only apply to students using federal student loans and will vary based on the amount of the loan.

**Students whose major requires a professional license or certification to obtain employment in that field will have the cost of the exam included in their Cost of Attendance the year they will take their exam.

Total Budget Toggle Accordion

Fall 2024Spring 2025Total
Living at Home$32,555$32,555$65,110

Brit Book Program

The Brit Books program provides rental access to your required course materials. The program includes all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbook versions for eligible students. Consumable materials such as art supplies, lab goggles, and kits are not included in the program.

The cost of enrollment in the program will be applied to your account as a course charge of $76 per unit. For example, if you are enrolled in 4 units, the cost will be $304 for all of the materials required.

Students will be automatically enrolled in the program. Those wishing to opt-out must complete the Opt-Out form available on the Brit Book program website by the date indicated.

For more information, please visit: Albion College Brit Book Program.

Cost of Attendance Adjustments

The Cost of Attendance above uses many average amounts. Upon the student’s request, the financial aid office can adjust the Cost of Attendance to reflect actual charges. Students must complete a Budget Increase Request form and submit the necessary documentation to have any adjustments made.

It is not Albion College’s policy to use institution resources to fund this budget increase, but the individual student may use federal aid and/or outside scholarship to meet the additional need.

Tools & Resources

To get a better idea of how Albion can be an affordable investment for you, visit our Net Price Calculator.

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