Innovation Lab

About the Lab

The Albion College Innovation Lab is a space where students, faculty, and staff can creatively explore and learn. Stop by the lab to design and print 3D objects, try out a virtual reality experience, program a Lego robot, and use the space to work on creative projects.


Location and Hours:

The Albion College Innovation Lab is located in the Seeley G. Mudd Learning Center.

          Monday – Thursday: 8am-9pm

          Friday: 8am-5pm

          Saturday: 1-5pm

          Sunday: 1-9pm

*Hours will vary for holiday, summer, and exam weeks.


Schedule an Appointment

Walk-ins are welcome in the Lab. However, we do schedule full classes each semester that may limit lab availability. Using our calendar to schedule appointments will result in guaranteed use of the equipment at the designated time. Use the button below to schedule an appointment.

Request a Project

To request a price quote for a photo, poster, 3D print, or Cricut project, email [email protected] with a list of desired items, quantities, attached files (.pdf, .jpg, .png .STL), and the account to be billed.

Within 1 business day an Innovation Lab representative will follow up with the expected cost. Once the requestor approves the cost, Innovation Lab staff will begin completing the request. A follow-up email will be sent when all items are completed and ready for pick up.



To contact Innovation Lab staff, email [email protected].

Innovation Lab Projects