Office of Marketing and Communications

Working with colleagues in marketing and communications.

The Office of Marketing and Communications offers expertise in advertising, brand identity, content strategy, custom promotional orders, design, editorial, internal and external communications, marketing, media relations, photography, printing, research, usability, videography, social media, and the web.

Professional staff work with units throughout the college to ensure strategic campus priorities are executed with the highest integrity.

When a project demands expertise or equipment beyond what’s available on campus, such as large-scale a/v or mass mailing services, the office can help identify and arrange for well-qualified vendors of these services.

Submit a Project Request

Please submit all project requests via our specific request forms below to ensure we are able to route the project to available staff members and keep your project on track. To avoid delays, please refrain from submitting projects directly via email or chat. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Choose a Project Type and Complete the Form

Before filling out our request form, please make sure you submit all information necessary for us to begin our work. NOTE: If you plan to submit an event promotion request, please make sure your event is on the Calendar of Events on by submitting it through the 25Live events form.

Submit a Project

Share a Story Idea

The College showcases the people, places, and happenings at Albion College through a variety of channels. 

Share initial information about a grant, special award, new book or publication, etc. you’ve received related to your work at Albion. You can also share names of alumni success stories or compelling student experiential learning projects you would recommend. Please provide as many details as you are able. Note that the more information you provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate and pursue a story opportunity.

Share a Story Idea

What Happens Next?

After you submit the project request form, someone will respond to your request by email or phone (if necessary) to confirm receipt, ask any questions, and determine the optimal schedule to complete your project.

For larger projects, an initial meeting may be arranged to discuss the project scope and details, to discern the most successful tactics, vehicles, and messaging to achieve your goals, and to agree upon tasks and deadlines.