
About Title IX Reporting

Fostering an inclusive campus that is free of discrimination and harassment is integral to Albion’s commitment to belonging and safety. However, sexual harassment, sexual violence and gender-discrimination can and does occur with varying levels of frequency and impact.

Albion College encourages its community to report any acts believed to be an incident of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination. The Title IX reporting form was developed to receive such reports as a part of the intake process. Submitting this form does not require that the reporting party submit a formal complaint. Individuals who want to submit a formal complaint must contact the Title IX Coordinator, Kelly Finn, at [email protected]

How do I submit a Title IX report? Toggle Accordion
  1. Report directly to the Title IX Coordinator by emailing [email protected]
  2. Fill out the online Title IX Report Form
  3. Talk to a mandatory reporter, which include most faculty, staff, and Community Assistants (CAs)
  4. Sexual Assault Advocates can explain the reporting process and options for reporting before you decide whether you would like to report to Title IX
What should I expect when I report an incident to the Title IX Office? Toggle Accordion
  • If someone discloses or shares conduct or an incident that is or may be prohibited under our Title IX policy as sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or sex-based discrimination, your report or complaint will be handled sensitively and privately by the Title IX staff.
  • The Title IX Office will attempt to reach out by email to the person(s) who have shared they have experienced prohibited conduct to offer support and information about Title IX and how the Title IX Office can help. A person’s response to the email from the Title IX Coordinator are not required or obligated.
  • The Title IX Office can offer support measures for reporting person(s) to work to provide needed support and to address immediate safety concerns. Such support services may include reasonable academic accommodations.
  • The Title IX Coordinator will discuss options available to address the conduct, including the formal investigation and hearing process and informal processes to address the asserted prohibited conduct; and options to also report to law enforcement, if the reporting person(s) so chooses.
  • Retaliation against a person for a good faith report and complaint under Title IX or for participation in any Title IX investigation or proceeding under Albion College’s Title IX Policy is also a form of Prohibited Conduct. Retaliation is prohibited, unlawful, and will not be tolerated, and will be addressed through a formal grievance process. The Title IX Office will support reporting person(s) from retaliation, and will respond to complaints or reports of retaliation through the Title IX formal grievance process.
What are mandatory reporters? Toggle Accordion

Here at Albion, most employees are required to report to the Title IX Office with any knowledge or disclosures of sexual misconduct or sex-based discrimination that involves Albion’s students, faculty, or employees. The only exception to the mandated reporting obligation to the Title IX Office is if the employee is a confidential employee.

What are confidential employees? Toggle Accordion

A confidential employee is an employee whose position of employment at Albion allows them confidentiality of information shared with or disclosed to them. These employees are typically licensed mental health or medical health professionals.  Confidential employee’s professional position at Albion is to perform confidential counseling or medical services that affords them confidentiality under the law. Confidential employees include licensed mental health professionals employed at Albion’s Counseling Services and specially trained Sexual Assault Advocates in the Anna Howard Shaw Center for Gender Equity.


When reporting an incident through the online form, please note the following:

  • This reporting form is for non-emergency incidents only. If this is an EMERGENCY situation, CALL 911 or contact Albion College Campus Safety at 517-629-0911
  • The Title IX Office will make reasonable efforts to respect and protect your privacy. However, responding to violence and harassment may require collaboration across different areas of expertise on campus. If the reporting person(s) submit their contact information in their report online or directly to the Title IX Coordinator, they may be informed of the need of necessary additional information to appropriately address the report.

Albion College takes reports submitted through this form very seriously. Following the submission of the form, the reporting party can expect an outreach of support from the Title IX Coordinator. If you have questions, please email the Title IX Coordinator, Kelly Finn, at [email protected]