Monkeypox (MPV)

Albion College is closely monitoring the global outbreak of monkeypox (MPV) and working with the Calhoun County Public Health Department to develop prevention and mitigation plans to prevent the spread of MPV. The current outbreak is impacting many countries that do not typically experience infections, including the United States and infections have been confirmed in the State of Michigan. Risk to the college community continues to remain low.

What is Monkeypox (MPV)? Toggle Accordion

MPV is a rare viral infection transmitted through close, personal contact, including kissing, sex, and other skin-to-skin or face-to-face contact. MPV is rare and does not spread easily. Fatality during the current outbreak is estimated to be very low.

Who can get Monkeypox (MPV)? Toggle Accordion

Current data shows that transmission is higher among people in close sexual networks. However, anyone who has been in close contact with a person who has MPV is at risk.

What are symptoms of Monkeypox (MPV)? Toggle Accordion

Key symptoms of the MPV virus are a rash, bumps, or blisters that may appear anywhere on the body, including the genitals. These may look similar to syphilis, herpes, or other common skin rashes. Other symptoms include fever & headaches, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.

What should I do if I am experiencing symptoms of Monkeypox (MPV)? Toggle Accordion

If you are experiencing symptoms of MPV, contact your health care provider immediately or contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Disease Section after-hours line at 517-335-9030.

Students that need assistance finding a local health care provider should reach out to Melissa Sommers at [email protected] or by calling 517-629-0220.

I’ve been diagnosed with Monkeypox - what now? Toggle Accordion

Students living on campus or in college owned housing that are diagnosed with Monkeypox (MPV) must notify Melissa Sommers at [email protected] or by calling 517-629-0220, immediately. All faculty, staff, and students that don’t live in college owned housing need to isolate at home. Faculty and staff are to notify Human Resources upon learning of their MPV diagnosis to discuss work arrangements during isolation.

Isolation typically will last 2-4 weeks or until all rash and blisters have healed with new skin covering them. Students living on campus will be required to return to their off-campus residence for isolation. Additional protocols are outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What can I do to protect myself? Toggle Accordion

  • Ask your sexual partners whether they have a rash or other symptoms of monkeypox, such as fever, muscle aches, or swollen lymph nodes.
  • Avoid skin-to-skin contact with someone who has a rash or other monkeypox symptoms and those diagnosed with monkeypox.
  • Don’t share bedding, towels, clothing, utensils, or cups with a person with symptoms of monkeypox.
  • There is a vaccine against MPV. However, vaccine supplies are limited and only available through the Calhoun County Public Health Department. Eligibility for vaccination is limited to high-risk contacts who are identified by public health via case investigation, contact tracing, and risk exposure assessments. Vaccine availability is expected to increase.

Learn More About Monkeypox (MPV)